in Project HOPE3 years ago

Author: @madridbg, via Power Point 2010, using public domain images. Ajay kumar Singh

Greetings and welcome dear readers, this publication is informative and will allow us to be informed about some of the variants that has been exhibiting the covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2, among which highlights the Delta variant, where we focus our attention.

In this sense, with the onset of the pandemic, we have been able to perceive a series of genetic mutations on the original genome of the virus, transformations that have increased the potency and mortality of the same, due to poor detection by diagnostic tests, increased levels of transmission, as well as a considerable decrease in viral control by possible treatment or by immune response mechanism.

Among the highly relevant mutations or variants, the alpha type, belonging to the B.1.1.7 lineage, are highly transmissible; however, their control is high and the risk of reinfection is low. On the other hand, the transmissibility and control variables present considerable changes which make it highly risky for the general population.

Fig. 2. The mutations generated allow the virus to adapt to our immune system. Author: PIRO4D

In this case, Beta, Gamma and Delta mutations are the ones that most affect health and among these, the damage generated in the Delta variation stands out, where transmissibility and severity increase considerably and the immune response tends to be low.

In this sense, let us focus on describing some epidemiological aspects of the Delta variant that has been increasing its presence in this 2021, this modification belongs to the sub-lineage B.1.617 also known as VOC-21APR-02, it is characterized because the original mutation is focused on the S gene, which generates the increase in transmission and replication of the virus, therefore, autoimmunity becomes very low in the presence of this variant.

It was first detected in India and to date has managed to spread in more than 92 countries and according to the WHO, it is one of the mutations considered as worrying, whose accelerated pace alerts us to stay protected.

Although the available evidence does not allow to make clear conjectures, it is expected that the risks of hospitalization will increase, although it is expected that the different vaccines generated will perform adequately against the new variant beyond its ability to evade the defenses of our immune system.

Fig. 3. Beyond vaccination, we must remain alert to Covid-19. Author: Gerd Altmann

In this sense, in countries such as the United States, it calls on its inhabitants to continue using the mouth cover in enclosed spaces regardless of whether they have received the vaccine or not, as an epidemiological prevention measure in view of the exponential growth of the VOC-21APR-02 strain.


Beyond the vaccination process that we have managed to establish in this year 2021, the alarms against Covid-19 do not disappear, on the contrary, it seems to have increased since the number of infections and deaths increase considerably and it is estimated to exceed the figures obtained in 2020.

This problem is intensified in underdeveloped countries, where at this point there is a large number of the world's population that does not receive the vaccination process either by political or economic differences. In any case, the protection process must be for all, if we want to achieve real results against covid-19.


[1] Coordination Center for Alerts and Health Emergencies. . Circulation of SARS-CoV-2 variants of major public health impact and interest in Spain. Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

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It happens that the viros incubate better in spaces reduced by the accumulation of people and if in the middle of this there is a person affected by another type of virus, these seem to combine and give rise to a new one. The adaptive capacity of COVID is worrying.

Greetings @madridbg, the vaccination process that is carried out at the present time in the different countries of the world unfortunately does not guarantee the eradication of the virus, and with the appearance of new strains or mutations of this virus the thing is placed even more complex, so the most efficient control mechanism is the social distancing and comply with biosecurity standards that of course accompanied with the current vaccination process would help to control the number of infections, but people are unaware and do not respect that. That is why this situation is out of control.

Greetings friend @madridbg. The prevention mechanisms as we all know them and collective awareness are an important element to combat Covid-19, besides being able to vaccinate the world population. The new variants are the product of mutations by the same lack of awareness and lack of prevention, until humanity does not believe that the solution is in their hands this virus will be more deadly.
Thank you very much for sharing your publication

Thanks for sharing @madridbg
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Even though we have been living through this pandemic for more than a year now, the uncertainty is palpable. Vaccines have to go through an evaluation process and everything has been accelerated. It really has not been easy, thank you for this content.