Money doesn't have intrinsic value: Why crypto will thrivesteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE11 months ago

That's right you read that correctly! Money doesn't have any intrinsic value, it's all an ideological believe coined for centuries by a group of capitalist to control demand and supply this boiled down to fiat currencies we have all been using for who knows how long, they have no value but all it driven value lies on the masses placing their believe on the system that invented the idea of money (Fiat).

At some point we all happen to coincidentally be in the 21th century were power and fame seem to be tha order of the day if you want to control people you need to tune their minds into believing in something that doesn't even exist, let's trave back in time were no one cares about money we were all happy farmers, hunters, and Fishermen, not even trade by barter was an option everyone grows and hunts their needs, everyone seem happy and satisfied with what they grow fast forward to today it's a different narrative looking at the bigger picture we are now all driven by want which creates more demands and supply therefore for such want to be placed on check a system need to be introduced and preached to people to adopt (money).


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Let's say I find myself in a foreign country and I happen to take my local currency to that foreign country without exchanging them to the said foreign local currency, guess what will happen next I might be left stranded for days without making any physical transaction, now let's say the world wakes up one morning and decides not to make any transaction in any local currency it means your loads stack of cash in your account will automatically become a piece of trash a mare paper with no value.

What if we wake up another morning to an announced from central bank that all old note are no longer accepted as legal tender but the people choose to ignore these new announcement and still carry on their daily transactions with the old note and choose not to adopt the newly introduced current?

In essence, money value all narrows down to our believe in them or our believe in central bank (authorities), we use them because authorities deem them legal for transaction and because we are all driven by these believe money now get it value from the people not just because it's a mare paper approved by authorities.

Crypto doesn't have value

Have you by chance read any article from either security exchange commission (SEC) or any high profile public figure stating why cryptocurrencies don't have value? Why crypto is a bubble and one of the biggest scam that people should run from? These and more have made major headlines in the past and we still have more critics who still dont place any value on crypto.

Well they some how are right about crypto not having any intrinsic value just as the fiat money can't be proven to have any intrinsic value both scientifically we can't prove that money both fiat and crypto to have any intrinsic value but they are get their value from how people choose to believe them.

Ideally people are now getting a grip of what crypto is and as more people become curious about crypto the money it gains their attention and drive it demand and value placed on it.

Legal tender or not as long as people keep believing in a decentralized digital system then it value will keep soaring high with time crypto adoption is a product of time and believe the more it is talked about on different channel media the more it is seen to have value.

Why crypto will thrive

Crypto is still at it early stage of adoption, criticism is fine we can call it a bubble an algorithm computational money all this are what every thriving technology undergoes adjusting to changes are not that simple.

Value placed on crypto is what will make it thrive as an emerging technology for crypto space to be completely dissolved the community need to stop believing in it, what if crypto market goes down to zero will this make the entire community stop believing in the system? While reaching a zero market capitalization is near impossible, could still tell people will still stick around beyond ones expection.

In summary we can't scientifically prove that fiat currencies have intrinsic value, but at some point we all believe they do, because the system wants us to believe they do, while crypto currencies as well do not have intrinsic value but drive their value because we believe they do this time we are not forced to believe the system but we choose to believe they do this simple narrative makes it easy why crypto will thrive as more people choose to believe and place value on it.
