Undeveloped Countries Need More Technological Inventions.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

There are people in this age who highly detest technology, they consider technology to be evil for the society and when I see or hear things like that I am not so quick to judge them but instead to understand the reason behind their thoughts. I found out that the reason why some of this people detest technology so much is because it is believed to be the source of evil that sold them out to the white man, (let me explain) before colonization, the black race was in total darkness not being exposed to certain infrastructure but history tells us that the white man came and got the black man deceived with mirrors and other items that are really not worth it, the leaders of the black race in turn gave out valuables and authority of the land to the white man.

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This simple story is the reason why some undeveloped countries never accept any form of civilization and even have rules to stand against it (can you believe that?), this people are only holding on to the hurt of centuries ago and they have turned deaf ears to the positivism that technology is offering.

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Now technology does not belong to one race or one colour and technology is now being utilized to solve life threatening problems especially in rural regions which is the reason why thee undeveloped nations should even be the ones embracing technology the most.

My Experience in a Village that Lacked Technology.

Imagine a small village that lacks electricity and is seriously fighting against technology, for instance there are places in my country that do not have exposure to simple technological infrastructures that we often take for granted in the city.



[Pictures from my experience in the village]

I was posted to a village for the compulsory National Youth Service Corps in my country and getting to that village opened my eyes to so many things I would ordinarily not know about my country, I had the option to change my location but because I wanted to experience what it felt like to live without technology, I decided to stay in the village.

Trust me when I say it was a really bad experience, in order to get mobile network to make phone calls, I had to go up to a tree and it was really not funny, there was no good hospital in the entire village and the source of water was terrible, children died and it was often considered to be a spiritual attack instead of a medical issue. I was really concerned about the issue that I offered to provide a good source of water for the community, I was ready to go to any length to raise funds for this project but I was confronted by the village head who was making profit by supplying water to the community and I simply backed off in order to avoid complicating situations for myself.

Imagine someone as the village head preventing his community members from the benefits of technology because of the profit he will be able to generate for himself. Staying in that village during my service year made me realize how important technology has been to us and how well we need to embrace technology and use it properly to our own advantage.

Thanks for reading, I am @oluwatobiloba.


I guess some are still living in the ignorance of the vast benefit technology has to offer and some even when desired they can't have source to access it.

That's the truth, the village where I served for example the kids wish they can get exposed to technology but unfortunately they are not getting it.

One issue with the black race is how our leaders try to make life even more difficult for us, imagine the ruler of that little town who is supposed to provide things that will make the live of the villagers easy even fighting against their growth.

I wonder... We are like the problem we have.

The truth is that this situation is sad, we should all have access to technology, nowadays everything or almost everything is handled that way and it is regrettable that because of a few people a town has to suffer so many shortages.

I really feel pity for them also and I wish it was within my power to do something to help.

The orientation of the people in the far end of world is sad, in Africa especially. Some communities lack the most basic necessities of life. The problem is compounded for such people because the exposure is yet far from them — reason why they relate Tech advancements to possessions and provisions from the devil. Youth service programme in Nigeria introduce people to the varieties of life at different part of the country. It is particularly difficult, but I hope you contributed your best in helping @oluwatobiloba

I sure helped in the little room way I could especially with the children I taught.

That is good. Humanity needs us to give no matter how little ed

I learned early in my aviation studies that remote areas like islands and mountain communities will go from third world to first world countries as soon as the internet is brought in. This is because the lack of roads require a level of technology that requires air transport. And, aviation brings with it highly technological systems.

That said, your post inspired the thought that the next step will be artificial intelligence. Once this becomes prevalent in the business world, technological advancement will be much more appropriately selective. The question will then become one of how humans treat humans and less of resource scarcity.

It is truly sad that while some enjoy high level of technology others still live in the dark regions.....