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RE: What do you think about my project?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I want to congratulate your initiative to create new projects. By the way, when you talked about a learning platform I was curious if you tried the services of to create and market online courses. I have heard of them, but in reality I have never created a course to market and I could not say much more.

The idea of creating an affiliate network for the sites I think is a good idea and can generate a passive income that would be possible to reinvest in the project, but if it is not updated over time or the subscribers are tracked, it would have the problem of abandonment or loss of participation.


Hi my friend,
Thank you very much for your comment. I've tried to build courses on udemy but they are very restrective and udemy can change the price of your courses as much as they want. I've checked several other platforms and I decided that the best and cheapest thing to do is to create a learning platform myself using wordpress plugins.

The idea of creating an affiliate network for the sites I think is a good idea and can generate a passive income that would be possible to reinvest in the project, but if it is not updated over time or the subscribers are tracked, it would have the problem of abandonment or loss of participation.

You are quite right about that. People join programs but leave them again. So it is important to constantly recrute new people. That is the reason for the learning platform. The idea is that this platform is free to join and marketed constantly. New users can enroll with these courses and learn about the concept. At the same time they are asked to join programs using the referral link provided. They will also learn how they can profit from this system and at the same time support people from Venezuela.

Best regards,


 4 years ago 

I didn't know about Udemy, it's good to know now.