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RE: HELP STEEMIT GROW. My personal suggestion on how to bring more demand for STEEM [JOIN discussion]

in Project HOPE2 years ago (edited)

Working as a team on anything will be far more effective than individual work. I still remember how we worked as a community to promote Steemscan and RobiniaSwap. Now, despite what happened to RobiniaSwap in the end, it doesn't change the fact that we've nicely succeeded in attracting a large number of users to it.

I like your idea about promoting a referral link to Binance and using the generated revenue to buy and burn steem. If it works, It'll benefit all steemit users... Let's give it a go...

 2 years ago 

Hi @qsyal

I loved working together. Especially, since we've managed to shape quite a well organized team already :)

And I love to hear that I got you interested. I presume that most PH members will support that idea. But still ... it's great to read it

Yours, Piotr