Avoid Distractions To Your Dreams

in Project HOPE4 days ago

Each time you are on the right course to achieving something great, there is usually a form of distraction or the other that may arise to prevent you from hitting your target. If you take heed to it, then you may lose sight of what you want to achieve. The presence of distractors should show you that you are doing something great, so you do not have to give attention to them. You cannot be driving forward in a car and then focusing on everyone that is moving on the street, otherwise you may lose track of where you are going and may even crash the car. To excel in life, you need to avoid distractions.


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When I was in the university, I enrolled into a music class to learn how to play the drums. The training was supposed to last a few weeks but as soon as I enrolled, many things came to distract me. One of my friends got a gym class ticket for two and gave me one. In addition to it, another of my friends asked me to help him launch his art studio. All these made what was supposed to take just a couple of weeks to last till about 3 months simply because I gave heed to distractions. This was when I realized that I need to favour my primary course first before I look at other things.

In life, if you are not focused on what you are doing or where you are going, many things will come to take your mind off it - from friends, family, divided attention, societal demands, etc. One thing is that distractors do not come and announce that they have come to distract you, but they come subtly. The question is, what are the subtle signs of distractors and how to deal with them? It is by knowing their tactics that will help you to put up preventive measures against them and shield yourself from cracking by them.

The first step is to look out for people with negative energy. Anyone that normally discourages you from making any move or criticises and complains about everything should not be your ally. With their discouragement, they may make you to lose sight of where you are going. When they come with their negative energy, you do not have to give attention to them. Before you choose your friends, you need to be aware of who you are aligning with. Anyone that criticises everything you want to do no matter what it is, and also talks down on your moves is only out to make you to lose sight of where you are going to, so stay off them.

Another way to spot a distractor is anyone who, instead of serving as a form of motivation to you to do something worthwhile, will want you to either not do it, or to do what they want - the person is only distracting you. You should know that you are not built to be conformed to what they want but you have your own dream to pursue. As a matter of fact, anyone who does not want you to focus on your dream is a distractor and you need to beware of them. Of course, anyone who is not going anywhere should not be your friend because they will also make you not to go anywhere.


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In order to deal with distractors, here are some points you need to have handy. The first one is to learn how be firm with your "no." If something does not sit right with you or if you do not agree to the demands of someone who wants to make you to lose focus of your dream, then you have to say a "no" and mean it. You do not have to sound rude with your "no" but you can do it politely but firmly. When some requests or activities which do not align with your dreams or with your priorities are offered to you, then for the sake of your own good, you need to decline them.

The final way to deal with distractors is to set clear boundaries. Do not be easily accessible to the point that everyone will gain access to you and do what they want. Know what you can permit and clearly communicate your preferences and availability, and be conscious about it. Stick to your boundaries and do not bend it for anyone. If you stick to your goals, you will not be distracted with the things which do not support your dreams.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all