Be Cautious Of Your Physical Appearance

in Project HOPE3 months ago

A lot of people have been mistaken for who they are not because of the way they appear. The way you want to be related with and, of course, addressed should be how you should have yourself dress and appear. Trust me, no one neither knows what is in your mind nor your intentions, so they only judge you based on what they have observed, and your appearance is a major point of call. It is not enough to have built up your mind, you need to also build up a good appearance. Of course, something will create a first impression and then connect you with someone first before they can see what is inside you. So be cautious of your physical appearance.


Image from Pexels

The first part of your physical appearance that you need to be cautious of is your dressing. Just to let you know, clothes are not only for the purpose of covering up the body or providing warmth, there are also more things to clothes and to sense of dressing. When you dress and people see you, they will create a mental picture of you in their mind that will stick for while. Trust me, you can communicate and pass information just by the way you dress. You can also send a strong message to people by your appearance. There is a way you will dress and you will attract or repel certain individuals to you.

In this part of the world, there are 3 major strategic tribes with an entirely different dressing pattern. I once attended the marriage ceremony of one of my friends who is married to a Northerner (North Central part of country). For the occasion, I wore their tribal cloth even though I am not from there. As soon as I entered the event, the person I met at the entrance started speaking their language to me. In his mind, he had already concluded that I am from their tribe. Almost throughout my stay at the event, everyone I met there spoke the tribal language to me and I just had to explain to them that I do not understand. After the event, I understood the power and potency of dressing.

Apart from your sense of dressing, another area of appearance that we will look at is how you smell. Sometimes last year, something very unusual happened when I was going out in the morning. I boarded a tricycle. Someone was already seated at the left side of the back seat, so I sat in the middle and someone else sat at the right side and we left. A few seconds later, the kind of body odour that started oozing out from the passenger was very awful. At a point, I felt like vomiting, so I had to alight from the tricycle and forfeited the money and picked another transport.

It is not enough to dress well and look neat, try to also smell nice. A friend once said; "dressing nice makes you feel good about yourself, but smelling nice makes others feel good about you." After you have taken care of your dressing, also try to have a nice smell. It will help if you get a deodorant and perfume too. People do not wear perfume just because of luxury, but also as a way to enhance their attractiveness. If people cannot feel comfortable around you because of awful smell, it might create a kind of lonely feeling. If you want people to be comfortable around you, then you have to make yourself conducive for them - smell nice.


Image from Pexels

In addition to all these, another physical appearance you should be cautious of is your smile and other gestures. When you wear a good smile, there is a kind of attractiveness that you will carry naturally. When you smile, it will go a long way to make you finer. It may not cost anything (in terms of price) to smile, but the prize you stand to gain from it will be beyond price itself. At anytime you meet and interact with people, always try to be benevolent with smiles and you will see how attractive you will become.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all