Become Motivated By Your DesiressteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

For someone to engage in a particular thing, there must be a motivating factor. For salary earners for example, the reason they wake up each morning and go to work, and undertake the jobs that are assigned to them is because of the hope of receiving salary at the end of the month. In the same way, what makes people to engage in one form of life's activities or the other is because of motivation. I once enrolled in gym activities. The only reason why I enrolled was because I wanted to build my muscles and that served as a motivation to me to put in my best in the period I was there and of course, I achieved my aim. So you see, nothing propels or encourages one towards actions like desires.


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If you have a desire to achieve a particular goal in life, it will serve as a motivational factor to make you to put in your best towards achieving it. Even when the results are not as intended, you will still not give up because you have your eyes on your desires. This is why it has been said that "there is no encouragement as strong as desire." When you see a student that is focused on their studies and putting in the best, then you will see a student that is motivated by the desire to have an excellent result at the end of the semester.

Your desires have a way of influencing your thought and this will also have an influence on the way you act. Without a desire, there will be nothing to motivate or propel you towards actions. Any mind-blowing achievement you see today is a result of actions being taken on the thoughts that were motivated by desire. Before humankind conquered the space, it has been one of the desires of humans to do so. Not only have they established their presence in space but have gone even beyond it to the moon. This is just to let you know that as long as your desires are strong, you will become practically unstoppable.

The stronger your desires towards something, the stronger your zeal and enthusiasm towards pursuing that particular thing. To the person that is propelled by their desires, they only see possibilities and they will not settle for anything other than "yes." The words and actions from someone motivated by their desires will be pointing out to one thing: "yes I can." When you have convinced yourself that you can, then the ability to put in the required actions will be unleashed within you and you will eventually achieved your dreams. I once told a friend of mine this and I still feel the need to drop it again here: "nothing can shut the door against the person that has the desires to succeed."


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Desires, dreams, and enthusiasm work together. It is when you have the desire for something that your dream will be centered around it. Your desire helps you to take actions, but not only that, it helps you to make the right choices towards the actions, and helps you to stay away from the things that may impede your advancements. I once read about the story of one of the former presidents of one of the most populous countries of the Sub-saharan Africa. He contested for almost a decade for the position under different parties and kept failing but he never gave up his desires to occupy the presidency. At the end, his desires came to reality because he refused to quit, and he won the presidential seat.

As long as you do not allow anything to tamper with your desire to succeed, then success is already in view. The prevailing situation may not look like it, but it does not mean you will not achieve what you want to. After all, your zeal is not as a result of what is happening or not happening around you but it is borne out of your desire to succeed, and this will reflect on your thoughts and actions. Desire stirs up the willingness in people and this, I believe, is the reason this popular adage says and I quote:

When there is a will, then there will be a way.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


This is actually very true nothing can motivate us more than our own desires

Exactly. Thanks a lot buddy @thetimetravelerz

Truth has been spoken. Goals are made for benefit and that benefit keep us motivating and your gym example is great for explantation. Desires are important because these desires make our life good and give us strength work for our goal.

Well said. Our goal creates the desire in us that makes us motivated to take actions

Thanks buddy

Although the road is not easy, but dreams are valid and dreams really still come through.

That's right. Dreams come through.

Thanks a lot dear Bimbo

'Desires, dreams, and enthusiasm work together' well said.

True. Thanks friend