Being Driven By Necessity

in Project HOPE7 days ago

Over the years, I have come to realise that inventions and discoveries are results of necessity. When there is a need for something to be done, the will to do it will become available. You may keep seeing something as being undoable, but the moment it becomes a pressing need; which is a necessity, the way to do it will definitely be discovered. Nothing motivates one to take actions like being driven by necessity. If you do not see the need to wake up, you will still give excuses for sleeping. It is the need of waking up that actually makes one to wake up. In life, something must drive you to succeed - it may be a dream, goal, vision, etc.


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There are many examples of how necessity prompted the achievement of some mind-blowing feats. When transportation by air became a necessity, the Wright Brothers were motivated to invent the airplane. I am sure everyone knows what a stethoscope is. In fact, it has become almost the first thing you will see if you enter a medical facility, which is used to listen to heartbeat. However, if you read about what led to the invention of stethoscope, you will see that it was born out of necessity. Before that time, doctors and other medical personnel will place their ears on the chest region directly to listen to the patient's heartbeat.

When René Laennec got dissatisfied with the norm of listening by placing the ears directly, necessity was laid on him to look for an easier and better way to achieve the same result. This was when he began to try out for a couple of things to know what will work best for him and in that process of trying, he came up with the idea of stethoscope. This singular invention revolutionized the world of medicine and from there, many other enhancements have been done to the device that at this present time, there is now the ones that work wirelessly. If he had not acted on necessity, maybe by now, doctors would still be placing their ears on people's chests.

If you do not put necessity in what you do, you will not have the zeal to break new grounds and go beyond your limits. Your good will only become better when you put zeal and enthusiasm into it. If nothing is prompting you to take actions, then you may become docile for long. As a student for example, when you have your eye on a very good result, maybe a first class or a second class upper, then you need to put in extensive time in studying. The act of necessity to study will be what will lead to the academic excellence. You cannot do something as a hobby and expect to receive the same result as someone who does it with a sense of importance.

Life does not answer to only hopes and wishes. It is true that you need to hope for good things, but in addition to your hopes, you need to know that actions have to power them, so as to deliver the right result. You may not feel the need to act if you do not have a need to act. When you see footballers training for a major championship, they will put in enough zeal and even when they finally get to the championships, they will play which so much zeal because there is a necessity on them to win the league. In life, what drives you to do the right thing is what will determine how you will do it. This is why you need to create a goal and have something to look up to, to motivate your actions.


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You may not have all the privileges that you need, but if you are driven by necessity to act, you will see a way out. Someone with zeal and a will will always see a way, even more than someone with privileges but without a will. In whatever you do in life, you have to attach passion, a sense of urgency, and necessity to it, so that it will produce the right results. Most times, what determines the result of your life is not necessary what happens around you nor what others may think, but what you have done and how you do it.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all