Skills To Solve Problems

in Project HOPE21 days ago

In the world that we live in, a lot of problems and challenges can arise which will demand your attention to solve. Right from your place of work, homes, neighbourhood, family, etc, you can meet challenges on a daily basis. So you are also required to proffer solutions on a daily basis. One of the proofs of our existence is in our problem-solving acumen and skills. If you are not solving one form of problem or the other, it is can simply mean that you are not fulfilling the demands of your existence. Here we shall take a look at the skills that one should posses to help them solve problems.


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The first on the list here is the ability to think critically, analytically and rationally. Sometimes what you need to solve a particular problem might be hidden in plain sight. There are also sometimes that the solution may not be far from the prevailing problems, but you have to learn to look at the problems analytically to figure this out. It is your critical thinking abilities that will make you to look beyond a problem and see a solution in it. This reminds me of the words of my former teacher; "the solution is right inside the problem, but you need to look well to see well." It is also your critical thinking abilities that will make you to break down the prevailing problems into tiny bits to make it easier to solve.

Another skills to solve problems that one should possess is the ability to work with people towards achieving a common goal. You may not even like the person's face, but if they are meant to be part of your solution-providers, then you need to collaborate with them. There are some ideas that you may never get until you have come in contact with certain people. If you cannot form a workable team with people, then you have not mastered your acts of problem solving. It is easier to solve a problem by working together with like-minded people than trying alone.

Another skill to possess that will help you to effectively solve problems is "time management." If you cannot manage time effectively, then it may be difficult to proffer solutions to the challenges of life, because some of these challenges are bound by time and delaying may actually complicate them. In managing time, you also see that you can effectively prioritize your activities starting from the most-pressing one to the least important. Using time in your favour is part of what makes you to solve problems well. Every individual has equal 24hours available to them in a day, but what makes a difference is the usage of the time itself.

In addition to managing time, you also need to adapt to changes. Each day you live, you will be faced with a totally different scenario from the one you met yesterday, so you have to be prepared to face them and adjust yourself to fit into the changes. Without changes, there will neither be growth nor evolution. As new trends emerge and as changes happen, you should also need to adjust your strategies to match them. You cannot prevent the world from changing, neither can you stop an era, rather you can condition yourself to adjust to face it. This is why I normally say that "you should not be concerned about stopping challenges but solving them as they come."


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The last skill that should be mastered by anyone who wants to be a problem solver is persistence, which can also be seen as determination and perseverance. Even though you may have faced a lot of challenges on the way but with determination and persistence, you will not yield to them until you have arrived at your destination. If you must find a solution to a problem, then you have to resolve within your mind not to allow the sight of the problem to discourage you or make you lose sight of the solution. Always have in mind that the problem is not meant to make you to be discouraged, but it is meant to bring out the excellence inside of you. So as a problem-solver, you should be open to welcome new challenges.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all