in Project HOPE3 years ago

Cover image by @sidalim88, using public domain image. Source:

Greetings my dear readers who interact continuously in this great platform of @ProjectHOPE, the topic that I am going to present at this time is related to the perspective in which one can see things in life on the subject of religion and technological advances.

As everything in life we live in a world with a great diversity of tastes, religion, way of thinking and expressing ourselves, because we do not all share the same perspective regarding the influence of technology in the spiritual part, now we could indicate that both are totally opposite poles, although technology is part of scientific and verifiable activities, while spirituality is a matter of faith, because we must believe in what we do not see, but we have the firm certainty that if it exists.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

Even though different scientists will argue that these two areas should not live together in harmony, my particular opinion is that in these times where the pandemic had a great boom, we had to make continuous use of technological advances to be able to communicate with our loved ones, perhaps work and study from home and we cannot forget how we connected through telephones and other electronic media in services and continuous prayers for this terrible and overwhelming situation to cease, and all with the sole purpose of staying connected and not getting lost in God's path.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

Similarly, we have the case of the different applications or Apps that are presented to us in relation to the part of religion and one of the most used and common is the electronic bible, this is an excellent technological tool, because wherever we go we have our cell phone and therefore we have the bible with us, if we are on our way to work using public transportation, we have the great opportunity to go reading the bible on the way to work in this way we will have a day more or less under the coverage of the creator.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

It is much easier and efficient to use this Apps, than the common bible, because sometimes it can be more cumbersome to have the bible in physical with us everywhere and reading it is a serious problem if it is the presentation of small letters. Another of the great advantages of this App are the daily verses that always leave us a teaching and drives us even more to seek to feed our soul with this magnificent content such as the word of God.

I give you the example of my church, when our spiritual father begins to preach he indicates the verse that he is going to explain and tells us that we should look them up, some people make use of the physical book of the bible and usually are the most adult people who use it, because I guess they are not very skilled in the technological part and therefore have that preference, while the vast majority make use of the application of their cell phone and others of the projection of the verse through the video Beam. As I mentioned in the beginning, we live in a world where technological advances are in continuous development and we must go hand in hand with it in every sense, even spirituality itself must make use of it.

Now imagine if we did not have the current technology as they would have done in times of pandemic to continue carrying the teachings of God in different parts of the world and not only that technology makes life easier in every sense of the words, because with this Apps that I already mentioned is much easier to locate a book and verse of the bible compared to this same in physical. Currently you go to different churches and pastors, parents, pastors and others, make use of the phone, Tablet and other electronic tools to lead the services and it is largely because of the ease that gives them this App to search for different verses, make notes and observations at the time.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

In conclusion, spirituality and technology are two totally different areas, but they fit perfectly with each other, because in the present time they are being used to improve and facilitate the different activities of the churches. Until next time, dear readers. Happy and Blessed weekend.


Hello @sidalim88
I think being in total agreement when we talk about religion is very difficult.
I am a spiritual person, at least that's how I consider it. But I am not at all, at all, religious. There is a tendency to think that only from religion the spiritual is cultivated, or through the bible or any of the so-called Sabbath books, and in that I totally disagree, although I repeated people's belief. I wanted to comment on that, because the title of the post caught my attention, but talking about spirituality and religion as if they were synonyms is not something that for me is so.
But, I respect that, of course.

Hello friend @josevas217, as you yourself mentioned there are people who tend to have a misconception about what spirituality is, but technology is something that is currently emerging in it and we must take advantage of the different electronic tools that exist to date. Best regards