in Project HOPE3 years ago

Cover image by @sidalim88, using public domain image. Source:

Hello dear community of @ProjectHOPE, in this opportunity the topic that occupies us has interest with the motivation and support that all parents should give to their children to fight to achieve their dreams.

In life we all have dreams or goals that we wish to achieve and perhaps in the pursuit of that goal we can go through different obstacles and stumbling blocks that in many moments will lead us to want to give up, that is where parents should be of great support to their children and provide words of encouragement to encourage them not to leave things halfway, but on the contrary to persevere and achieve their proposed goals.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

The most suitable help that any parent can give to their children is to give them the good example of being a person who pursues their dreams in an organized way, in other words, who is planned and develops a plan of action to meet the proposed objectives. Showing him that if something goes wrong in that search you will not get frustrated, but on the contrary you will evaluate the variant that affected you and redirect the activities to try again.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

Patience is also a virtue that we must instill in our children, because if you take situations in a hurry they will not end well, remember that everything in life has its time and goes through a process to reach the end and if you skip any step the result may be different than expected.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

One way to have a positive impact on the perseverance of your children is to carry out some activity or project together, this will serve as a basis to reinforce patience and planned organization, in the same way you can show them that in life there are goals that are difficult to achieve in a first attempt, but the ideal formula to do so is to try again and have a good attitude at all times that will help them to appreciate their work and never give up in the face of adversity.

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Until next time, dear readers. Have a happy beginning of the week. Abundant blessings


How to teach children to be persistent?. Source:


Hello @sidalim88!
It is a fundamental part of children's lives to encourage them to fulfill their dreams and not to decay despite the obstacles that may be encountered and for that as you say we must be their best example and that they see that we are able to support them in everything.

The ability to create dreams and pursue after dreams should be taught by parents to their kids. Once these young ones get a knowledge of it, it will guide them through when they come of age.

Excellent read and thanks for sharing

Greetings @ sidalim88
Parents always serve as a guide for children to develop their dreams and they are also an example of how things should be done, of course if they have done well, otherwise they will take advantage of not repeating the same actions. The important thing is to teach them the value of things and that they should fight for what they want, in life everything is possible but with sacrifice and effort, nothing is easy, nothing is given away, you have to work and earn it.
Thank you for sharing

Hi @sidalim88
I agree with you, parents have a very important role in teaching and guiding their children to achieve their goals, you always have to keep that in mind.
Wishes regrads.

Parents are usually the first examples that children try to follow. The lessons and training that parents offer to kids have a long term remarkable impact.

Teaching children to follow their dreams judiciously, having a need to be patient while doing that and consistently working on improving is extremely important.