Keying into opportunities and never missing one

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Good day buddies, it is yet another great day for us all and I pray we enjoy it to the fullest. We just started April and it is already looking like a nice month. Just like what I have always hinted, don't be carried away by anything if you are not putting things in place. Almost every time here I don't know about other countries but we are full of catching cruise. You hardly see people taking things very serious. But don't get it twisted, we are hard working but loves joking about things.



Yesterday I sat down with my cousin whom i have met with for a very long time now and we randomly discussed. We discussed to the point that I asked him about his investment choices and he told me he is considering choosing cryptocurrency as his future investment. When he said this, I look at him and was pleased. Seeing him thinking like that shows that he is after securing his future.

There is something you should take very serious when it comes to life, that is opportunity. Remember opportunity can come in different ways so you will need to make sure that you are able to identify them when it comes and also make sure that you key into it when the need arises. I was telling somebody history of how this paper money came into being and how those who keyed into it earlier were able to make life with it. During the evolution it was trade by barter that people where using to carry out trade. People used this way to secure a lot valuable asset before it move to using coin to carry out transaction. As life advances the era of coins runs out and paper money come into being. This created another stream of income for some persons and make them rich. Do you know that some person because they were not educated develops hatred for paper money. If you give them paper money, they will end up giving it to people for physical gift. This people used this opportunity to stack more physical cash while others were dishing it out for physical gift. Because of this act they missed out on something that could have changed their life which for the best which I tagged evolution.

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My dad told me about a story his great grand father told him. He said during the era of the paper money i.e referring to the era it was new, there is this man who was struggling to use it. If he works for somebody and the person wants to give him cash he will reject. He will say he wants something he can easily make use of. Things he can make do of like rice, beans, pepper, meat and co. There is this man who knows how to convert and makes use of the paper money. Funny enough, the other man will meet him if he works and he is paid with physical cash. Do you know he will beg the man who has wider knowlege about fiat money for food in exchange for the physical cash. This goes on for long not until the paper money appreciates in value. Now take a look at this story, it makes the man accepting the paper money very rich. He was rich because he understands evolution and innovation.

With what he saved from the other man who will dish his paper money for food, he became very wealthy and that is how his life changes for good. The man selling his paper money for food lacks information so he paid dearly for it. After the paper money we are now in the era of digital money which is cryptocurrency. We all knows the popular story of how a man sold his bitcoin for pizza. The story is always circulating everywhere. Whether this is a make up story or not, it is a story teaching us to be able to embrace and spot opportunities when we sees them.


Whatsoever you do in life be very observant. Know when to spot evolution, innovation and invention and at the end learn how to act fast by keying into them. Despite all the stories running we still sees people falling dump to opportunities that involves evolution, innovation and invention. You have cryptocurrency at your hand, key into it and secure generational wealth.

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Special Thanks to the @crypto.piotr (Founder) and the entire team for keeping the engagement high.


hello @tfame3865,
for many people the use of coins is very strange and difficult to use, personally I always find people who do not like coins and do not see the value, for those people money is the only form of payment, this reminds me when people used barter as a means of payment a reality is that times change and payment systems also evolve if people can not adapt to these changes it will be very difficult to live and develop.

Hello @tfame3865
Wow, that's a good story that can emulate what is happening.the.realidsd is that we are not certain what the future holds for us, but we can, from history, be able to intuit that we need to.get ahead in taking better positions on financial matters.

Well written article, I really learned a lot from it. I haven't yet keyed into crypto as I would have loved to. I hope this year, I will make it big on crypto.

Thanks for sharing this lovely article with us @tfame3865

My dear we need to own up our minds to innovation all the time, the age of technology is changing really fast and the future is only secure for those whose minds are opened to accepting change and innovation especially when dealing with investment.

My dear we need to own up our minds to innovation all the time, the age of technology is changing really fast and the future is only secure for those whose minds are opened to accepting change and innovation especially when dealing with investment.

Opportunities are always God's gift and so when lost, it is always difficult to see another one and that's why for every opportunity, one must learn to maximize it efficiently

Despite all the stories running we still sees people falling dump to opportunities that involves evolution, innovation and invention

Exactly, I advised some of my close friends to invest in cryptocurrencies last year, but unfortunately, most of them were dismissive of the idea. They said they prefer to invest in well-known and easy things.
This is what so-called the "comfort zone", and I think it is the greatest enemy of our productivity.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :))) @tfame3865

Very convincing and thoughtful piece. Thanks