Stop Being Gullible

in Project HOPE9 months ago

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Whenever you make up your mind to do something, you need to have thought it through, before even taking your first step. Too many people end up accomplishing nothing in life, because they're jack of all trades, and master of none.

It's very wrong to change your mind too quickly. Because when you read the biographies of great men, you'd see that these men set their minds on the goal that they want to achieve, and they go after it with all the blood that runs in their veins.

When you're gullible, you break your momentum, just when things want to start getting good. Good things take time, and when you've been patient and practicing for a long time - lots of people just give up at the die minute, and when success is around the corner.

This is a lot of time wasted in that activity already. If you weren't going to stick it out to the very end, then why did you start at all? You should learn to decide squarely, and put in all your efforts repeatedly, until you achieve the success that you dreamed of.

A gullible person will simply waste too much of his time and energy in different activities; out of which he masters none. All men who became masters in any field, have talked about how difficult it gets a times, and how much they wanted to quit, but they didn't quit.


Trying to take advice from everyone about the different things you can do will make you a jack of all trades who eventually achieves nothing at the end of it all, wasting time and effort.