Detecting depression through artificial intelligence, is this possible?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

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Hello Friends..!

Depression, discouragement, sadness, lack of interest in things that are everyday or fundamental, is increasingly common in the world population, it is a health disorder that must be treated in time, but many times it goes unnoticed before us.

Can you believe that artificial intelligence can warn you that someone is depressed?

This is very possible today, and incredible as it may seem now, we can help many people in some way just by knowing how their mood is at a certain moment.


How can Artificial Intelligence detect Depression in a person?

Remember that when we are sad or happy the features of our face change and we can show our best smile or be very serious in a particular moment or circumstance, we also experience changes in our voice and in this way our friends and family can easily realize how it is. our humor and state of mind.

It is also appropriate to mention that many current applications work with voice recognition and facial recognition, so we can already deduce how this issue comes.

Free use resource from Pixabay, edited with Powerpoint by @tocho2.

Significant advances are currently being made in this area, so that through voice recognition applications it is possible to determine a person's mood and establish “if the person is depressed or very sad”, and this is a great advance.

I particularly think it is a significant technological advance

However, it is not as simple as it seems, there is a lot of science and engineering behind this advance.


How does this work?

Starting from the principle that every application is created with algorithms, and the role of an algorithm is to "execute a function", then if it is a voice recognition application, this fundamental algorithm would be in charge of "capturing the waves and vibrations that it emits. our voice ”and thus identify a pattern that could generate an alert about a voice change as a result of a change in mood.

Free use resource from Pixabay, edited with Powerpoint by @tocho2.

The algorithm of the machine learning application would work as follows:

• A person talks to you on the phone and your application captures the signal from their voice.
• The acoustic signal of the person's voice has a pattern, such as: normal, tired, distressed, happy, sad, depressed, and so on.
• The voice signal is registered with a speed (the speed of speech), with a depth and tone, sometimes our voice is accompanied by other gestures such as long or short pauses, and all this is called “voice gestures”; So this is what the app uses to assess the person's mood, determining if they are depressed or not.

Many of us have come across depressed people, but we can't identify clear enough signs to know and support them.

And I believe that this is a functional tool of great value because in this way we could even know when the symptoms of depression or deep sadness in a friend or relative are getting worse.


In closing, I share with you my absolute amazement at how useful this high-tech tool can help "improve the day" of some people, it could even help save some friends.

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Greetings@tocho2, certainly artificial intelligence never ceases to amaze us and continues to give important contributions in all areas especially in health, thank you for sharing this information.

Hello @carlir, I think that AI applied to the health area will provide us with the best solutions.

Wow, sounds like science fiction, but quite useful at the same time. I suspect it will give some wrong results, but as a depressive patient myself, I know that our mood is reflected in the way we talk, it is very characteristic of depression. So this technology can be very, very useful.

Thank you for this very interesting information.

Hello @garybilbao, I believe that technology and its advances will help much more than we expect, and this issue is more important than many people think.

hello @tocho2,
From what I understand from the article, a person receives a call in which they are asked certain questions about their mood, then an AI linked to an application determines if the person has variations in the voice and then informs the caller if the owner of the app is depressed, I think there are many other uses for this technology such as knowing if a person is afraid or in trouble just by the tone of the voice, it is certainly impressive.

Hello @trabajosdelsiglo, this app is more or less that you think, but I also think it is amazing..!

Thanks for commenting

Hi friend, wow that's a breakthrough, some people don't know the magnitude of what it's like to be depressed, they don't even consider it an illness. But it is really important and can silently kill a person. Greetings.

Hello @franyeligonzalez, I think it's very important to know whats happen with our near friends in every moment, depression is a illness so serious.

Thanks for commeting.

Hi friend @tocho2, an interesting application, certainly the AI can learn to recognize patterns, and in our voice patterns change with our mood, and although sometimes it may not be very clear for people, for an AI if, which could help to identify if a family member or friend have are going through a bad time and need help, although it does not mention it.

Hello @emiliomoron, that you say is totally true, we can help our friends when they are going a sad moment, it's the most important whit this app.

¡Hola amiga!
Realmente la ciencia da para mucho, este tipo de herramientas me hace pensar en el detector de mentiras, al identificar cambios, por ejemplo, en el pulso, puede darse un alerta y más cuando se registran varios signos a la vez, como bien nos cuentas en esta publicación. Lo cierto es que creo que nunca dejaremos de sorprendernos con todo lo que la ciencia puede alcanzar, sin olvidar que es un don divino.
Un abrazo y que tengas una linda noche.

Saludos @syllem, justamente no pensé en esto del detector de mentiras, esto quiere decir que esta tecnología podría dar muy buenos resultados.

Gracias por comentar

Wow, science has really gone even beyond my imaginations its really great to know that artificial intelligence can detect sadness and depression. Thanks alot for this wonderful article I really learnt alot

Hello @obiwoke, And I think there are some more technology like this that we unknown.

Thanks for commenting.

Detecting depression, sadness with artificial intelligence is a great improvement because alot of people are suffering from this two sickness especially during this pandemic period that alot of people lost their job, freinds and family and this has affected their mental health.

Hello @jennyvic09, I think we can help so many friends and family members, this AI App sound great.

With the help of AI everything is possible the new treats to human race is AI intelligence.

We have seen AI is becoming more power full then the human brain in the future.

Thats why companies are taking measure to neutralize it's effect.

Hello @adityajainxds, I believe that AI that is well used for the good of humanity, such as this application, will always be well received by the world.

Thanks for commenting