Real-time PCR

in Trading Lounge3 years ago

Real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) is commonly used to potentially measure gene expression. Accordingly, It is more sensitive than microarrays in detecting small changes in expression but potentially requires more input RNA and is less adaptable to high-throughput studies . This is just a tip of an iceberg. You might see its whole view if you take a peek in this sponsored post.

Experts said that It is best suited for studies of small subsets of genes. Its one major shortcoming is that the sequence of the specific target gene of interest be known , hence real-time PCR could only be used for studying known genes. Check disclaimer on profile and landing page.


SYBR green is a dye that fluoresces only when bound to double stranded DNA

It sets a chain reaction in motion, with an ascending amplification of DNA template

It was said that some molecular tests, such as RT-PCR, are performed in a hospital or clinic, swabs could also be collected from the patient's car or at home.

Using PCR it is possible to generate thousands to millions of copies of a particular section of DNA from a very small amount of DNA.