How to make good Cold calling????steemCreated with Sketch.

in Helpage India2 years ago




“Hello Mr. Smith, thank you for taking my call. I was wondering if you could help me out for a moment?”

When you say this with confidence, 90% of the prospects will hint a ‘yes,' and you have their permission to talk further. In case the prospect is busy, don’t hang up before getting a suggested time to call again.

Example -
Prospect: “I am busy at the moment”
Sales rep: “I understand. "When is a good time? Later today or tomorrow morning?"
Prospect: “Tomorrow morning"
Sales rep: "Can I give a call back at around 8:30 then?"
Prospect: "Sure"
Sales rep: I'll call at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Thank you, Mr. Smith"

Have a strong introduction
“I really appreciate your time, John. I’m a Business Development Executive at company name assisting businesses to solve challenges related to a major industry challenge.”

“Try me, don’t have to buy me” approach:
The objective of your first cold call is not to sell the product. You need to educate them about your solution. So, don’t push them to buy your product. Rather, focus on maintaining a relationship and suggest trying your product before making a purchase decision.

“I understand you are currently using current tool. But before you close your doors to your product name, maybe you could try it out for a couple of days and see how you like it.”
Show empathy:
"Empathy is everything is sales. Show the prospect that you really care for and want to solve their problem."
-Rekha Rajendra Prasad, Ex-Sales Development Specialist, Freshworks

Unless they know that you really care for their relationship, they would not want to work with you. If your tonality suggests sales calls and if you are posed with that question, you could say something like

Prospect: Is this a sales call?
Sales rep: No John, I did not call to sell. I wanted to understand in what way I could add value to your business and help improve your business