|| COVID-19🦠 Updates || india Graphs vs Pakistan Graph || Alert For Pakistan || Stay Home Stay Safe🙏 ||

in Steem Lifes3 years ago (edited)

Hello Community Member I Hope You People Are Fine And I Am Also Fine With The Blessing Of Allah. TOday ai wake Up About 12Pm And Suddendly Get A Notification From My Mobile That Pakistan President #Imran #Khan Alerts Pakistani people That If We Didn't Stop Our Extra-circular Activities We Should Have To Face The Covid-19 situation As Same India is Suffer Now-A-Days. Here i Want To Share Some Graph of India And As Well As Pakistan Graphs.

#India #Graph VS #Pakistan #Graph Of #Covid-19


As You acan See above this is the begin Strike Rate In Daily Cases Sinces The Pandemic Began Because Only Because They Didn't Fellow Any #SOPs given By The Experts. That is The most Important Reason That Suffers From This Condition. This Is The Biggest rate Of strike That India sa Facing. Kindly Its My Humble Request For All Community Member To Prayer infront Of Allah For Every Single Person which Are Infected By Corono Virus.


And As I Told You Before And also Graph Show Itself That Pakistan is In Danger Because We Did The Same Mistake We Are Not Fellow The #SOPs. Please Stay For For Not Yourself For Your Family. And here is The Month Of Prayers #Ramzan please Beg Infront Of Allah prayer That If We Are didn't Any Mistake aplease Forgive Ourselves.


#Wear #Mask😷🙏


Kindly Stay Home But If You Want To Got Outside For Some Reason kindly firstly Wear Mask And Then Only The Prime minister If You want To Free Yourself From Lockdown Kindly Fellows #SOPs. Lockdown Didn't Effect The Rich Person But We Are Not Rich There Are Too Many Person Which Has A Daily Base Job. Please Fellow #SOPs For Them.

#Wash #Hands🤚🧼


Kindly Wash Your Hands After Sometimes Because soap Has Some Chemicals Which Help Us To save From Covid-19 Virus. Use #Sanitizers After Washing your Hands. Santizers helps You To Remove This Infection. These Are the SOPs That Expert Just Wants From us. Kindly Don't Try Fellow These #SOPs.

Prayers Infront Of #Allah #Almighty🤲


In Every Namaz In Every Tasbee Please its My Humble Request For Everyone For prayer To Allah Almighty That Please Forget Our Sins. Allah Is The Only That Forgive Our Sins If Me You Have This Power We Didn't Forget Each Other. ALLAH is The Only Who Can Forgive. And I Proud To Be Muslim Because Allah Opens His Door Of #TOBA Until My Last #Breath. Allah Save Us And forgive Us For Our Sins Ameen🤲.


May Allah save us all from this deadly virus Ameen

You have given a good informative info.a very good information. Improve it.

It is very nice and informative post. You have done a great job. Keep it up.

your post is good