Only in May...

Hey there!

I have a few black and white shots for #MonochromeMonday. They go with my memories of 2 years old, when I took them.

Staying at home and watching how spring passes by outside the window, how to escape from thoughts about plans that did not materialize, from travels that had to be canceled? Unless once again view the photo archive, and remember how it was before.

And earlier, every May, my friend from Odessa called and invited me to come to the acacia blossom. April and May are a time of incredible, dizzying scents. Lilac, bird cherry, acacia, jasmine ...


I used to live in an old neighborhood on a narrow street along which acacia grew. When I returned home in the evening, its fragrance was my reward for a long day.

But everyone knows that nothing beats Odessa! A friend described his impressions with such love, and breaking out in May is so difficult!

Two years ago, my husband and I went for a weekend walk around the HydroPark. This is an island on the Dnieper in the middle of Kyiv. There are areas that look completely wild. It turns out there acacia no less than in Odessa.


The weather was nice and warm. We went along which path right into the thicket.

The island has many small lakes or canals. To pass between them, we had to return many times. Then, the weather changed, it was getting dark and started raining. I was tired as I spent on my feet all day, and we began to look for a way back, already with the help of Google.


This is all folks!


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