Diary Game (20-11-2024) || "Today my job was to buy chicken droppings for the potato field."

in Hindwhale Community4 months ago

Hello friends,
We have finished applying compost from our house cow (dung) to our potato field. We will again (live) chicken droppings so we have to purchase it. Today we will do this. Along with some other work I am going to share with you my activities today.

I woke up in the morning and saw that the sun had risen today. I went out and walked around for a while. In the morning, the intensity of the sun is very high, it is very necessary to dry our potato land.

I came home fresh and had breakfast. Meanwhile the driver of the tractor plowing my land called me. We will plow today only for deep tillage to deepen our land. I went to the land and saw that the land had been cultivated with a tractor. After I left, my elder brothers came with their sons and daughters. At first we were supposed to give only one cultivation, then we asked to increase one more cultivation. We stood there and observed the cultivation of the land.

We are going to buy more compost (chicken droppings) for our potato field today. Applying organic fertilizers to the soil activates the beneficial microorganisms in the soil, it plays an important role in the production of food for the crops in the soil. Me and my brother left the house together. We reached there and spoke to the chicken droppings dealer, his chicken droppings have arrived and are being unloaded, so we have to wait for a while.

We talked to the businessman and said that we need 200 sacks of chicken droppings. The price of each sack is 220 taka (10 steem). We also have to pay 15 taka (.70 steem) per sack for transportation to bring to our land. We talked to a tractor to see if he could deliver us 200 sacks. They took 1 hour from us. After an hour they actually loaded our 200 sacks, we paid all the money there along with the transportation money.

Name of the productAmountPrice per bagTotal priceTotal value (steem)
Chicken droppings200 bags220 BDT44000 BDT1910 steem
Transportation expenses200 sacks15 BDT3000 BDT130steem

We returned home at noon. We ate at the restaurant today. We went to the field without delay at home because the tractor has to be taken straight to the field otherwise we have to carry these sacks on our heads. I took the sacks down on the ground. Our workers went to eat in the afternoon and actually started sprinkling this organic manure (chicken droppings).

I also changed my clothes and came back to the field. We started sprinkling the compost from sacks into bamboo baskets. But we can't finish spraying 200 bags in this short time, so we took the target of spraying 70 bags.

I finished my work in the afternoon and the afternoon sun was very red. I took out my mobile and took a selfie. My body looks red. I walked home with the spade. I spilled chicken shit so dirty I have to take a good shower now. I took a bath. As of today my work is done Allah Hafez.


Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well