"SLC21/WK1: Empowering Life-Saving Skills: A Guide to First Response and Basic First Aid

in Hindwhale Community4 months ago (edited)
Hey steemit I am delighted to participate in this week SLC session 21.In Emergencies every second count knowing basic first head can save life.so we are going to learn A guide to first response and basic first aid .

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Share your any experience of your life, in which you faced an emergency that could be handled on your own only if you know the basic first response skills. (2 marks)

In 2021, I attended a friend's traditional marriage ceremony in her village. The joyful celebration took an unexpected turn.After enjoying traditional food and taking photos with the bride, a pregnant schoolmate suddenly began behaving erratically, like someone with a mental health condition.She was screaming, disoriented and uncontrollable. Panic set in as we struggled to understand what happened. Some thought it was a mental breakdown, attack or poisoning. I personally was confused,she was standing close to me shouting am mad , give me water to drink, please don't allow me to die, I was standing close to her,she was shouting my friend please help me, give me water my throat is dry.

As a first responder here, it is obvious that saving her is important Although I didn't know what to do than to just hold her to sit down,then give her water and poured some in her head ,then I alert some of my colleagues about the incidence,then she was quickly rushed to the hospital, where doctors attended to her immediately. Test was carried out, an the results revealed that she had consumed a harmful substance.

In a traditional village ceremony, a special drink is typically prepared for the boys. This drink is made with tiger nut, ginger, garlic and other ingredients, is a local custom. However, on this occasion, the drink was tainted with an illicit substance.

Unbeknownst to our schoolmate, she was mistakenly given this drink. Upon consumption, she began exhibiting erratic behavior, sparking panic among us.Thanks to prompt action, that she was taken to the hospital,then her life was saved.

This experience taught me: to be Very careful any time I go to ceremonies,I should not drink unsealed drink or one that does not have a NAFDAC number
In Conclusion that day, I realized the importance of quick thinking and medical knowledge.

Imagine you are walking back home, when you witness a road traffic accident between a car and a motorcycle, and the motorcyclist is lying on the road, not moving. There’s some bleeding from his leg, and he appears to be unconscious. You being the first responder, how will you manage this scenario? (1.5 marks)

In this situation, I need to play my role as a first header,then Ensure that I follow the standardise first response protocol used world wide which is DRABC.
Then firstly, ensure my own safety,by checking whether the environment is safe for me, if there's any danger like fire or sharp objects ,I should remove it or move my self to a safer location.

Secondly, I need to check whether the victim is responding or not ,by simply taping him or her by his shoulder or hand or by asking him a simple question like Are you okay?if they respond , I will just make sure the keep calm,then assess for any visible injury if they are unresponsive,I should try another alternative by calling the ambulance.

Thirdly, I need to ensure that the victim airway is open and clear ,if not I will apply a head tit chin lift technique and also check for obstruction of the airway by any This could be done by rising and falling of the chest region ,if the victim is breathing,I will put him in a recovery position but if he is not breathing I will perform CPR to help her breath.

Finally,I will check for circulation and see if there is any severe bleeding then check pulse by arm or neck region .then I will check for severe bleeding by applying clean clothes in the bleeding wounds if possible .

In conclusion,I will support emergency services by giving them brief overview of what happened and what care that is provided for the victim, and lastly I will try and keep bystander and causalty calm in order to Avoid mismanagement.

Write down the numbers of emergency services of your country/area on a paper (Minimum 5, maximum 10) (1.5 marks)


Draw or Create an engaging illustration/flowchart of DRABC protocol (Try to be creative and don't forget to add your username on the illustration) (2.5 marks)

Design by Canva

Complete the quiz

Thanks for the lesson,I will invite @khayjay,@eliany @goodybest to join the lesson.


Student Name: @abijacob
Time of checking: Within 24 hours of the homework
Overall Grade: [6.8/10]

Plagiarism Check: Pass
AI Use: No

QuestionWhat the Student Did WellAreas for ImprovementGrading
Question 1Shared a personal experience of managing an unexpected medical emergency, effectively conveying the confusion and quick actions taken, such as providing water and seeking help.Good response to the scenario; however, the response could be more detailed. Consider discussing how you identified the immediate priority (hydration and comfort) and elaborate on the decision-making process. Reflecting on what specific first aid knowledge would have been beneficial to know could also add depth to your response. Additionally, work on sentence clarity and structure for a smoother narrative. The real question, however, asked what you would have done or what could have been different if you were a first responder at the scene.[Grade: 1.0]
Question 2Appropriately outlined the DRABC protocol, emphasizing initial safety checks, assessing responsiveness, and explaining basic steps for airway and circulation management.While the steps of DRABC were described, more detailed explanations are needed for clarity, especially regarding airway management, such as removing any visible obstructions manually and managing bystanders effectively. Ensure to cover the DRABC steps in a logical order, adding specific details for each part of the protocol (e.g., "check for breathing by observing the chest rise and fall" and "apply clean cloth for bleeding"). Also, it’s preferable to ask a bystander to call emergency services instead of calling them yourself.[Grade: 0.8]
Question 3Listed emergency contact numbers and provided a photo for reference, which shows attention to detail.Good effort here; however, I noticed some numbers were repeated. Kindly avoid repetition. Consider including a description and details about each facility to improve the clarity of the information provided.[Grade: 1.0]
Question 4Created an illustration of the DRABC protocol using Canva, demonstrating effort and creativity.Although the illustration was well done and presented with a creative style, the image quality is low. Consider enhancing image quality and adding more specific details for each DRABC step within the illustration to improve clarity. Ensure the layout is visually engaging and includes labels or symbols to represent each step, making it easier for viewers to understand at a glance.[Grade: 1.5]
Question 5Completed the quiz, demonstrating a basic understanding of the first aid material covered in the lesson.Scored 10 out of 10 in the quiz. Great job![Grade: 2.5]

General Feedback:

Overall, a solid effort with good foundational understanding of first aid principles. With added attention to detail and presentation clarity, your future responses can become even stronger. Remember to follow the prompt closely and enhance clarity in visual aids. Great job on the quiz!

Thank you for your participation and effort!


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!
