My village in ten pics || Amazing ten pics.[10-12-2024]
Everyone. l am @anowarhoussain
From #Bangladesh December, 10-12-2024
- A beautiful day
- December, 10-12-2024,
- Tuesday....
Assalamu Alaikum my dear friends, how are you all I hope you all are doing very well by the infinite mercy of Allah. Alhamdulillah I am also very well by the grace of Allah. Today I am here with a very nice post on "Hindwhale Community". Today I am sharing ten pictures of my village. I am going to highlight the beauty of my village and the simple life of a simple farmer in the village and who works in which profession, I hope you will like them very much. Let's get started then.
The picture I shared first is a very ordinary person from my village. The main job of this person is to make various types of furniture from bamboo and home made products. A popular industry but nowadays due to excessive use of plastic, such products are no longer seen, it is a tradition that is almost 100 years old. This person is still keeping this tradition when plastic was not used and there was no era of modernity then various products made of bamboo were used by people in daily life. And this person can sell them in the market and earn very little money throughout the day and meet his food needs with that.
The main job of the person you can see in this picture is to deliver different types of goods from one place to another with his buffalo driven cars. At one time it was a very popular vehicle but now they are used only for carrying the crops home from the accumulation and this person has to work very hard to do this job. And this person earns very little money for the hard work of cutting.
As rivers enhance the beauty of rural areas, so do the very poor people of rural areas. They catch large quantities of fish from the river using wooden boats and nets and sell them in the market to supplement their food and our fish from this river is very popular among the people in the villages because it is very tasty.
Another means of beauty of rural areas is the fields of rural areas where you can see green nature all around. It's really nice to spend some time with green nature as far as you can see under the open sky and it's really nice to see such a beautiful view.
The person you can see in this picture is a daily wage worker. Their main job is to work all day in other people's crops. Today, these people earn some food and little money in exchange for working all day. And before evening they returned home and on their way back home they took some grass from the field and left for home because the grass would feed his cattle cows goats. They live a very simple life as you can understand by looking at the pictures.
At present, the farmers of our village are cultivating vegetables in large quantities in addition to growing other crops. Mola is a very popular vegetable in the village. These radishes are very tasty to eat because they are grown in a very natural environment. No pesticides or fertilizers are applied. Due to which they are very popular in our village.
This time I have shared a picture of a brick kiln. Where the very poor and common people of the village have got the opportunity to work, this brick kiln is very harmful to our environment. But still some people from the village who were not getting food are getting food and some money in exchange for working here so it can be said that it is a very good work that some prominent people of the village have done for the common people.
You can see this picture. These people are returning home after buying a gourd from the village haat market. The roads in the village are mostly fields and dirt roads which look nice but there is not much traffic. Due to which they work to reach home on foot, it takes a lot of effort and still they go home.
Sugarcane is a very popular crop in our village because sugarcane molasses is very tasty and sweet and sugarcane is very tasty to eat. Due to which it is a very popular crop, as there is a lot of demand for it, nowadays this crop is being cultivated in a large scale in the village because sugarcane molasses is very popular and there is a lot of demand in the market and the people of the village are now benefiting from the cultivation of this crop.
The main job of a farmer in this profession as you can see in this picture is to work all day in his own land and grow different crops and before evening these people return home with grass for their cattle cows and goats and they spend the whole day in the field. They live a very simple life, however, through these pictures I see the beauty of my village and who works in what profession. Also, I have tried to highlight how simple the people of the village live, I hope you will like them. May Allah bless you all and stay healthy.
You write a very good post, I really enjoy reading your post
village life is better is than city... clean environment and fresh surrounding, noise free, technology less life is fabulous... your Village is amazing..