Importance of Comments

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago

Hello, my dear Steemians,

I am fond of writing comments on your posts, and at most times, my comments come with an upvote. I feel disappointed when I see most users ignore comments on their posts. I guess they don't understand the value of comments, but their preference is limited to posting and then going to sleep.


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I believe even replying to a comment has a protocol. Protocol means a set of rules that explain the correct way of blogging on the Steemit platform, and as we all know, the Steemit platform encourages this through its Steem Exchange Challenges. Your comments add value to your blog. It's a code of conduct that we should know and follow in all situations.

Let me clarify: when you do not reply to my comment or take it for granted, it means you lose a fan, an upvote in the future, and some of your credibility.

We all must learn the value of comments because most contest creators make it clear that your winning is based on your engagement with other users in that particular contest.

I cannot stop commenting on posts I like, but if you don't respond, you will have to earn my comment and the upvote that comes with it. Now the choice is yours. I don't care about your rank, duration of stay on this site, or number of SP you hold in your wallet, but for me, you are a fellow member.

I feel the best way to develop personal relationships with other users of this platform is through your comments. And if you are a new user, your comments are even more important.

A new user takes time to develop his credibility; therefore, your comments work as backlinks, and established users come back to read your posts and upvote in most cases. Once you start commenting regularly, you will be noticed by the users, which can prove helpful for you in the long term.

If you are surprised that you are not getting sufficient comments despite your great content, start commenting, and you will see its benefits immediately.

Now it is up to you to decide whether you want to take my comments or not, and if you have any questions or suggestions regarding my article, then feel free to comment below.

By the way, your comments work like backlinks and provide several advantages, directly and indirectly.

Do you know how to check where you stand in the weekly ranking of commentators? You can check your position on the weekly point table by going to this website by @alejos7ven

As soon as you reach there a window opens

Screenshot (2262).png

If you click on the 'Make Noise" button this window will give you the entire list of top 500 members of the current week. You should keep in mind that your name will not appear on this list even if you're at the top spot unless you have posted at least one post in the week.

Screenshot (2263).png

Point system-
1 point for every comment
2 points for each post

So what are you waiting for? Get going and see the result!

#hindwhale @10%

 2 months ago 

In the wider world of social media and content creation, only a small proportion of the population are natural content creators.

Everyone else is a content consumer and commenter.

I have seen in the past the statistic that only 5-10% of the population have the ability to make good content.

On Steem everyone feels they have to be content creators even if they don't the natural ability to do so.

It would be an interesting experiment if for a month, all the steemcurators only allocated 10% of their voting to posts (the very best) and the other 90% to comments.

How would that change the dynamic of the platform?

Would there be higher quality posts, and many, many more comments?


I as part of team 1 will try to do this experiment, how to find as many content commentators as possible.

Is it possible for comments to be submitted as nominations in the weekly curation report?

After being on the curation team individually for the past month, I've learned a lot and even found comments to be better than posts.

I don't have the guts to do more because it will trigger controversy on the platform.

Even if this is true, we will see users changing their views to write posts (even if they are not natural content creators), they will try to comment to get it.

How will the platform continue in the future?

 2 months ago 

Your question is right and practical which would not be possible unless the Steemit team gives you a green signal. However, even if the curators complete their quota of upvoting the allotted comments, that will serve the purpose.

Yes, feel free to give this a try...

Is it possible for comments to be submitted as nominations in the weekly curation report?

all the steemcurators only allocated 10% of their voting to posts (the very best) and the other 90% to comments.

Love this idea. I have the perfect opportunity to execute this experiment.


Hi, its very happy to know and very positive initiative because people will urge for more interaction with others' posts, in fact without comment sometimese very good posts shows zero engagement.

 2 months ago 

Oh yeah, I agree with you!

 2 months ago 

I guess so, as a curator I am proud to say that I curate a large number of comments and I have done this in all my six sessions. However, we must know how to distinguish between comments that add value to content or are the repeat of what the author has already said.

What is a high amount? 50%?

 2 months ago 

Higher than mentioned in the guidelines. If everyone was doing five I did 8. Isn't that more than usual and regular ones doing?

That is for sure more than usual.
I can't remember I read guidelines telling how much to upvote. The only thing I noticed is that I always bump into long, good, interesting, funny, engaging comments, replies and there's no one who upvotes them except me.
A few more of you and me might make a difference.

 2 months ago 

"Long" is certainly not my idea of quality anyway because I have read so many long comments that had nothing but the original author written in his post. The "Long ones" were pretty much scoring the points and nothing much. Quality needs no long sentences but adds value to the content.

It is the greatness of social media everyone is an author.

I am sure you read the application and guidelines of Team 2 and Team 1... I am fine with 90% comments only and if there are no comments we don't upvote?

 2 months ago 

Sorry, but I don't read template-based reports because they are nothing but a few changes of words, and nothing else but all have the standard similar wordings.

I don't consider the application or the guidelines of the team I am part of as the next template. The only template I use is if I moderate but you did make something clear. We can stop wasting our time giving updates about what we intend to do, what we did or did or pretend or tried but didn't work out. You just gave me a great idea. Thank you

 2 months ago 

You can't do that either lol, because you are bound to report your activities on the dotted lines and read any two reports, you will find them similar with a few changes in the structure of the sentences. Nah, you can't avoid them!

Thanks for telling me you know what I will do? I will not write a report. I don't like reports just like the announcement of the winners it takes me a lot of time. Writing 1000 words goes faster.

 2 months ago (edited)

Writing 1000 words goes faster.

You remind me of "Fast Typist" and Dyna of Mylot during 2008-11. We all had a red star on our heads because we used to write comments without stopping. Yes, Dyna got a lot of negging so she was yellow but turned red in the end.

Why will you not write a report? You should write a report even if you do it in your style, like I do without using a template.

True. I always typed fast. I type as fast as I think just phone and computers are too slow. I tried speaking but it makes me think differently.

I simply don't like administration although everyone says I am good at it beside it takes 50x more time to do it with a phone so writing is easier especially if I can lie down and type one without thinking (free writing is relaxing gathering links and pictures, switching screens waiting till it all loads and typing markdown isn't.
If you don't believe me I can bring to my defense that I am crazy, love fairy tales, believe in the same chances for everyone, that you only learn by doing it yourself, and oh yes... I am busy, and have to write because without it I get grumpy, next to that I need time to cry with the wolves and I am old? What do you think? I can make up more reasons.

Some authors have the previlige to ignore the comments of others. I'm not talking about not responding to small accounts but they don't bother hitting back big accounts too.

The irony is they are happy with being posting their articles only and i don't understand how can they ignore meaningful comments someone has made after thoroughly reading their nice post.

No impulse?

On the other hand we have well reputed authors too who always reply to your comments despite being community mod and busy with curation.

These people have occupied people's heart.

While former category might have social anxiety or fear of conversation.

You close the door to diversity when you don't engage.

I have made a friend @mehwish-almas just by engaging and the other day we landed on Instagram too, cool, isn't it?

 2 months ago 

That was exactly my point. I know some of them are too busy writing and maybe in their personal life so they keep posting hoping that they will be winning comments based on their reputation or being proud owners of communities. They even take pride in not responding or making you feel little by not responding because they feel they are privileged ones. I have ignored them and even their communities by not participating.

I have ignored them and even their communities by not participating.

You have set your priorities straight, bravo.

 2 months ago 

Really cool....🤗 are such a sweet heart.

Those you left a comment behind and didn't answer you don't consider you as a fan or care because they did not even noticed you were there.

Those saying this is a job drop and leave and that's it. Uovoting, commenting is time consuming. You have to read, think what to write back and tyoing on a phone is very time consuming.

Honestly, speaking I don't care about that list many AI commenters were the #1 and #2 and could not be detected. I know how many hours I invest in commenting and if it comes to engagement it's not about leaving behind a long text to end up a list but abouttalking up and down.
A part simply answers op everything: "You are right" or "Thank you for answering". It is the best method to cut off a conversation.

If you would respond you will never receive an answer.


 2 months ago 

They are too proud because they joined before me so they have the right to show me in low light or they believe that I am obliged to write a comment and praise them for their worthless posts. They should know, that people with self-respect will show you your right place.

 2 months ago 

Hi @dove11, this is new information to my steemit knowledge. I frequently comment and posts without knowing this information. Thank you for sharing such valuable information with us. I hope to work as a MOD in any community after completing my double dolphin level. I am confident that it will provide me another opportunity to broaden my knowledge.

 2 months ago 

There is more information available on this app. If you click on the "tools" button, you will see more information on different data regarding Steemit users.

 2 months ago 

Thank you.

Comment is very important and it takes a lot of effort to do so. I used to be a great commenter until my thumbs started giving me issues. I was threw off balance by this and it feels like I no longer exist on the platform. I still struggle with it even though I try to make up duties as a moderator.

Comment is the only thing that can bring a user into limelight. I am happy to read from you again Sir. It's an important update.

All the best Sir!

 2 months ago 

Now I know why you read my posts but never comment on them lol.

Jokes apart, most of us respond to comments that make any sense but some of the comments I read are nothing but a repetition of what the author has already said to count in the points tally.

Exactly Sir. Some comments could drive one crazy after reading them. Instead of copying the original contents as comments, I think it's better not to comment at all.

I just hope to recover sooner to pick up from where I stopped.

Thank you for this
I really encourage comment in my post and on another post

This information is really timely, thank you for sharing this.

Personally I feel that it takes a persons effort and love to stop by your post to read and make a comment. Therefore, it needs to be appreciated by responding instead of ignoring.

 2 months ago 

Exactly and if you look at the practical point of commenting, the one who comments brings himself into the limelight and people who have any say, consider them before anyone else.

You are right 👍 let's see how we can improve

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 2 months ago 

Thank you!

 2 months ago 

Through comments, a user has shown an understanding of the content and as well if there is anything that the author needs to correct would be pointed out. Social media is all about creating reasonable interaction which on the Steemit platform it is through comments that we can achieve. You have said it all. Comments are powerful.

 2 months ago 

That's true, we should be bold enough to point out to the commentator that he missed this point. I am sure this would alert him, but how many of us do that?