Steemit Engagement Challenge S13W1- “What obstacles have you faced/facing to fulfill your dream? by @laser145

in Hindwhale Community11 months ago

Steemit Engagement Challenge S13W1 by @laser145

Hi it's a pleasure to greet you I'm going to start this week's Steemit Engagement Challenge S13W1 entry on the obstacles to fulfilling my dream below.



Write about a dream of yours that came true/or want to achieve.

Let's talk a little about my dreams, since I could my dream has always been to be a great singer and guitarist known worldwide I have dreamed every day of my life to see me on those stages with more than 10,000 people listening to the songs of our group, unfortunately our dreams almost always when you do not have adequate capital or simply by some wrong action are frustrated, that is when my country went through the biggest economic crisis in history worldwide my dreams went into free fall.

What obstacles have you faced/facing to fulfill that dream? How you overcame those obstacles?.

I tell you everything in the year 2010 was wonderful we created our own songs we had an established group we had a teacher who was always aware of each of us we studied acting with important people when the RCTV Channel existed, we went to many toques (mini concerts) people liked our stuff.

But in the year 2013 when the crisis started everything went downhill, millions of Venezuelans fled our country terrified because of the lack of food and job opportunities as well as a good pay since the jobs payments were literally of paupers.

I was left fighting for the freedom of my country I almost got jailed for defending human rights I was a victim of extortion I was almost kidnapped, this was total madness. my dreams as a musician went from bad to worse when I had to work hard to earn a few cents to be able to eat and take to my family. but I always never stopped playing my guitar and doing my vocalization exercises in this way I still believe in my dreams and I know that someday while I live it will be fulfilled.



Who encourages you to fulfill your dreams?

My faith is one of my greatest virtues more than faith, the conviction and belief in myself and in a God who will put me on the right path, which is? I don't know, only God knows. However, I continue studying and believing in my daughter and myself because I know that together we can change our lives to have a fuller life that we surely deserve to live with all the comforts and to help others grow through physical and mental training systems, since our future is always in our mind and many do not know how to use it correctly, regardless of economic and social levels.



What are the top 3 obstacles to not fulfilling one's dreams?

The three main Obstacles to not fulfilling my dreams are:

1- Economical




Many will ask me why envy? however do not worry I will tell you something that is not new, and that all over the world and is the feeling of wanting to be better or not having the talent we have some I am still very humble as I do not presume in front of anyone that is not for me but if I have seen supposed friends who came to my house touched some topics with me, and really are repulsive ie not share information of his talent something I saw extremely arrogant and unethical.

I have also seen a lot of blocking in terms of new artists of different musical genres and that is where the saying "the big fish always eats the little fish" comes from. What does this mean is that if you don't have any leverage or acquaintance within the label or agency you don't get in and even less if you don't have money because everything is under the table.


when talking about Venezuela in the world everyone says another one, and that is detestable because Venezuela was a country that in the first and second world war hosted millions of immigrants from all over the world Germans Spanish Portuguese Arabs etc. and all in a beautiful harmony at this time no one wants Venezuelans and I really understand it because many bandits without culture went to other countries to carry out criminal acts but for one all pay I see it as unfair.


because really if you do not have capital you can not move you are tied or that way I feel tied without being able to do anything I try to do videos on social networks but I lack microphone, interface, audio, cameras, is a disaster at this time there is a strong competition in social networks in fact there are influencers with cameras with thousands of dollars phones last generation and the algorithm goes directly to their channels as they have very good audio visual production is the truth.




I am not a victim I do not consider myself a victim nor do I want to give pity what I want to say is that at any time I will shine and I will be at that level that we are both looking for since very young I have been a dreamer an admirer of stars not for their money if not for their great talent I have seen others who unfortunately are pure marketing but both are valid since it is all about marketing and intelligent strategies I have opened my mind and I am willing to give everything for everything to achieve it.

I invite these three important people to participate in this week's challenge, @vivigibelis , @pea07 , @pelon53

Challenge link, week n°1:

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If you want to know more about me, you can do it through this link This Is Me
