The Diary Game "Some happy moments at the wedding ceremony" 18-11-2024

Assalamu Alaikum.
Hello everyone,
I am @sojib1996

From #Bangladesh

How are you all? I hope everyone is well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Today, I will do only one blog. The blog is about a wedding ceremony. I will do this blog in the Hindwhale community. It is dated 18-11-2024, so everyone will like it.

Thumbnail Image of The day

Like every day, today I woke up in the morning freshened up, and had a quick breakfast. Then I got ready. Today I will go to my wife's cousin's wedding ceremony. This made me even more happy. Then I finished the noon prayer and went to the ceremony. And we ended the afternoon meal.



Son-in-law coming

After some time, the son-in-law came from the son-in-law's house. It is customary in our country that on the day of marriage, before the son-in-law enters through the gate, he has to take bakshis from the son-in-law and it is done by brother and sister in-law. This is one of the joys of marriage. And there, when the in-laws ask for money, the son-in-law is allowed to enter through the gate with a sweet face.



My picture

The son-in-law's private car was decorated with flowers and I went in front of it and took pictures. My younger brother-in-law took a few pictures there. His name is Siam. Siam is smarter than me. So at his request, I also took some pictures of him.


Son -in- law happy moments

Then I went and talked to the son-in-law. After talking to him for a long time, I took some pictures of him. He is very shy, usually new sons-in-law are a little shy. After talking to the son-in-law for a long time, they were provided with food, and their food and drink were completed.


Alhamdulillah, they got married. We had to pray for them. In this way, when the evening came, the children were happy. And the first reason for their joy was the fireworks in the sky. When it was set off after the evening, the sky became bright and it looked beautiful.



Happy moments

Then, after the son-in-law and his wife were seated together, everyone started taking pictures with them. I also participated with them. Our pictures were taken in the same frame, this may be written in the memory.
It was getting late, so after getting them in the car and bidding them farewell, my wife and I went home.




After coming home, I freshened up. Then I ate fruit in the evening. After eating the fruit, when I wanted to have tea, my wife made tea for me. Then I ate a homemade chalta pickle. The pickle was very tasty and I ate it with satisfaction. Then I continued working on Steemit.

After finishing my dinner, I ate dinner and then I fell asleep.

Original Content

Captured taken using Smartphone One plus nord n30 se| © Images & text are my own | Location :
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my diary game. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.



@senehasa Thank you so much ma'am💚


You are welcome.

Amigo @sojib1996, pasaste un día espectacular, esas fotos se ven hermosas, los momentos de felicidad extraordinarios, tu atuendo muy adecuado para la ocasión, que alegría desbordante, con fuegos artificiales y demás. ¡Que vivan los esposos! Felicitaciones para ellos.

Saludos cordiales y éxito.

Thank you my friend @thaizmaita .your beautiful comment made me very happy. I think in every country, weddings are always a time of joy.

@adeljose Thank you so much sir for valuable support me .