Contest : I believe in self confidence

in Hindwhale Community6 months ago

Hello,I'm @sumayaorin , from #Bangladesh

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Hello, my amazing Steemian friends! I hope all is wonderful and great with you, and positive, of course! Today, I would like to impart the wisdom of a subject that really may have enormous effects upon our lives: self-confidence. It is even more than just a word—it is a way that we have in our heads which can totally shape the way we respond to challenges, pursue objectives, and handle whatever life throws our way.
Do you believe in self-confidence or not ? Describe self-confidence in your own words


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To me, self-confidence is like the silent force within my being. It's that which gives me the courage to take on difficult situations, to believe in myself to push through barriers, and to keep going when things get tough. I've learned to draw a lot of strength from this inner feeling, and I'd love to share with you why it plays such an important role in my journey.

I can honestly say self-confidence has been my greatest ally so far. Self-confidence saw me through both the highs and the lows of life. For whatever I faced, it was the mental toughness that I needed to keep on moving forward. It's not about being basically right or perfect but trusting myself enough that I am going to find a way even when it is not clear ahead.
To me, self-confidence is belief in your abilities and the making of choices without a quiver of doubt. It's that fire inside you that keeps you running, even when this toying doubt manages to seep in. And here is the beautiful thing: it's not something you get from others; it is something you build from within. Every time we conquer some challenge, our self-confidence grows stronger, allowing us to face an adversity dead-on and get back up even if we fail.
What is the difference between self-confidence and overconfidence and how should both be kept under control?


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Just remember one thing , self-confidence and overconfidence aren't the same thing. Self-confidence helps you to believe in yourself, while overconfidence makes you feel invincible—and that's where it gets so wrong. What is the difference? Humility. Self-confident people know their strengths but never get carried away because they are always learning something new. Overconfidence, however, blinds you from your limits and sometimes takes you to reckless decisions.

Where then do we draw the line? Well, just think about what you are doing, revel in your successes, and learn from your failures. Be open to feedback, and let that so-called success blindside you. Self-confidence is growth; overconfidence is stunted growth.
Is there any task which was not possible for you but you completed it through self-confidence?


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Allow me to share a little personal story. Once, I came across a project that seemed impossible to accomplish. The overwhelming feeling started gradually to creep in.

But deep inside , I just couldn't let go. I tapped into my self-confidence , reminded myself that if I took things one step at a time, I would get through it. So I broke the project down into smaller and, manageable tasks and then took on each of those individually. And guess what? I did it. That was a game-changer for me; that really sealed the idea in that believing in yourself is the very foundation of success. It is a magic of the most powerful kind. It lends us to conduct life with a certain resolve, strength, and optimism. Overconfidence could take us down any number of risky paths, while self-belief, in its right measure, can make us do things we could never even imagine.
I would like to thank you for reading. I'd love to hear from you also.Specialy I would like to invite @eliany @waterjoe @ridwant @lirvic to share their thought s and experience about Self-confident. And how does self-confidence play a role in your life ? Is there ever a fine line walked between confidence and overconfidence? Tell me about your musings and experiences in the comments below—I couldn't wait to hear from you!


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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 

Self confidence is what gives you strength and you accomplish your tasks, there are some situation when lose your self confidence and you are upset due to it. Some situations makes me upset and I loss my self confidence but I didn't stopped yet because some motivation videos have control over me.

  • As you also fulfilled your project by breaking it into smaller parts and completing it which a innovation in your project.
    Moreover, over confidence is good when you have experience in something; like playing cricket or football. Having software knowledge but sometimes it destroys you when you meet a tougher opponent or situation.
 6 months ago 

Hola @sumayaorin, un placer saludarte

Que bueno que tengas tanta confianza en ti misma, eso es muy importante, porque en la medida que nosotros confiemos en nosotros así también lo harán los demás.

Concuerdo mucho contigo, yo también pienso que confíar en nosotros es saber que tenemos esa fuerza interior que nos va a ayudar a llegar a donde nos lo propongamos, porque somos capaces de afrontar cualquier situación que se nos presente, superarla y salir adelante.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗