SoCal Steemit Meetup - Steel Parade at Taco Surf

Are you in SoCal?
Are you interested in Steem?
Would you like to meet other Steemians?
You're invited to the next SoCal Steemit meetup!!

Hey there all you SoCal Steemians! It's time again for another meetup! For this SoCal Steemit meetup @steemseph has once again invited us to the Taco Surf in Surfside, CA where him and his bandmates in @steelparade will be performing! If you've never heard Steel Parade play you can get a little taste of their music here, here, here and here.
Details -
Date/Time - Friday March 6th at 5:30pm
Location - Taco Surf
16281 Pacific Coast Hwy, Surfside, CA 90743
(562) 592-2290
Parking - There will be valet parking at Taco Surf and there is also parking on the same side of PCH closer to the beach.

Now, there are several Taco Surf locations in SoCal so be sure you go to the right one! It's known as the 'Taco Surf under the water tower' and is right on PCH in Surfside. If you have any questions about directions or anything else comment below or contact us on Discord.

PCH, the water tower, and Taco Surf

When you see to water tower, you've found it!

Taco Surf
We are planning to reserve a table/tables so RSVP's are very much appreciated! You can RSVP by letting us know in the comments on this post, in the Discord server, on the facebook event, or on the event.

SoCal Steemit Weekly Voice Chat
Every tuesday at 8pm we will be having our 'SoCal Weekly Chat' in the voice chat channel in our Discord server. So come say hi and have some fun chatting with your fellow SoCal Steemians!

Would you like to help us support the SoCal Steemit community?
Consider giving a delegation

This one is really close to me so I am going to try and make it. I will confirm after I look into what else is going on that weekend with my wife.
Awesome! I hope you're both able to make it!!
Great to see another meetup in SoCal.
Ooo, fun! I will let you know soon!
Regrets :-( I don't think I can make it at that time with Friday evening traffic. Maybe next time.