Sharing my general knowledge

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Salam to All today am participate of steem for pakistan Community contese this is organized by @sahar78..this topic about the potassium is a vital mineral that on main role in maintainning to heart health and the muscles the function. the eating fruits rich in the potassium can be helpping to support your everything lets start the challange...

Healthiest oil for cooking?

The healthy of the oiling to for cooking is the olive oil on the mostlly to extra virgin on the olive oil. Its the richest to in healthiest to fats and antioxidantes to which can be reducess on the infllammation & the protect your heart. It also to has a highest on the smokey to the point so making it good to for cooking at medium on the heat. Other on the healthy opptions on including to avocado oil and coconut oil but olive oil is the best to the overall choicess for the everyday on use.

Most sweetest fruit?

The sweet sugar and citrus to the fruit is the mango. Its natural on the very sweet originally and juicy for mostlly when fully ripe. the other fruits be like figgs dates and banana are also be very sweetest but mango is offten all in all the sweeteist of everything.

Fruit rich of potassium?

Bananas are a amazing to origin of potassium to an the important of the mineral that helps to the balance to on proper heart healthy on the muscle function & nerve movement in the body. the potassium to also helping on the balance flluids & electrolytess on reduced to the risk of high blood pressure. In adition to the bananas on other potassium to the rich fruits the including in the avocados oranges on apricots to melon & kiwis. the Ading these on fruits to your diet can be suporting to everything to healths the balance to a healthiest heart are strongest muscles. the Bananas therefore remaining to one of the easiest & the most popularlly choicess for boosting potassium in take.

At last am invite steemit fellows @wuddi and the @lilita75 @meehu to participating of this challange..