To My Followers on Steem
If you're not aware of the historical context, you can get caught up by reading:
On Hive, you can express yourself without permission. Strictly speaking, you can do that on Steem as well, but the main site that everyone goes to is As I mentioned before, my blog is being suppressed if you try to access it using
I found a way to talk to my followers, but if you try to access my blog as intended, it doesn't work.
That's why I recommend:
There is an actual development plan on Hive, unlike Steem. So even if you find a way to access Steem content without requiring permission, it's still a dead-end. It's not difficult to see that Steem is a dead-end in development. The thread at the beginning of this post has several links to a twitter discussion where I asked repeatedly if there was even a repo to check on Steem development. Instead of showing me, they just insulted me.
The only development that has taken place was to add TRX rewards. This did not require any change to the blockchain. It was strictly a non-consensus change.
Even block signers are seeing support fall away. A chilling example:
In the above issue, someone is asking for the block-log from the main development repo and got nothing. This means that if someone wanted to start a Steem witness from scratch, they would have to use the p2p network to download the block-log. I would estimate that this could take a month to accomplish. Maybe longer.
If there is a public block-log to download, there are additional concerns. Can you trust this block-log? If so, why would the maintainers of the repo remain silent, if such a resource exists?
In reality, the Steem project is a zombie. I don't mean this as an insult. I just mean that there is very little real devops support for the chain. If this continues, perhaps a vulnerability is discovered that requires a software patch, there is no hope for the chain to recover.
I wonder if I still have time to go shoot a short film with Kevin Bacon.