Beans porridge with potatoes combo recipe

in Steemit Iron Chef4 months ago


Hi chefs, welcome to my food blog, today I will be sharing my recipe of beans porridge with potatoes, it is a delicious meal trust me you will like it.

Potato and beans is one of the best meal combo that contains a lot of nutrients and thus, one needs to consume it. Potato contains carbohydrates while beans also have some percentage of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, minerals etc.

Beans health benefits

Beans contains amino acid which is the building house of protein, it is a good source of fiber. Beans contains protein, vitamins, and minerals, which provides many health benefits to the body when consumed.

Potato health benefits

It is a very good source of fiber as well, they are carbohydrates suitable for any one to consume. They contains some vitamins and minerals and it way of preparation really matters when it comes to it nutritional values. In this case, I prefer it more boiled.

Because of the present of fiber, it helps in reducing constipation, it helps one stay full when eaten. It is an antioxidant that helps reduce some certain types of sickness.

So with this regard personally, I like cooking my beans porridge with a combination of another protein or carbohydrates.

Then I like adding veggies to my porridge to make it more nutritious.

Let's cook the beans together


  • Honey Beans
  • Potato
  • Palm oil
  • Crayfish
  • Seasoning cubes
  • Salt
  • Any protein of your choice
  • Pepper
  • Onion
  • Tomatoes

Mis en place

There are different types of beans and so I used the honey beans in cooking this porridge, please note I eat all types of beans Available in my region but my family best like honey beans.



I was and parboil my beans, I do this because most beans comes with some preservatives and so it do affect the health of my family members therefore, I parboiled it to avoid this, you may choose not to parboil it while cooking yours.


I peeled and wash clean my potatoes


I cooked the beans till soft before adding my potatoes then add my other ingredients because I didn't want the potatoes to over soft.


I added crayfish, seasoning cubes, fish, salt to taste and cook till the potatoes is soft.


I added veggies and palm oil to it and cook for some minutes, I turned it and it was done.


Finally done 👍


My yummy beans porridge with potatoes was really nice, I believe you learn a recipe today.

You can choose to cook your porridge with plantain, yam, potatoes, rice etc. It depends on your recipe. In all it is nice if you choose any combo for your beans porridge.


Thank you for your nice comments


 4 months ago 
Hola amiga, Es un gusto saludarte. Como siempre, nos presentas una magnífica receta la cual explica detalladamente y acompañas con grandiosas fotografías.

Tal como dices, los frijoles son una estupenda opción para alimentarnos además de ser muy deliciosos y nutritivos.

Saludos y bendiciones.

 4 months ago 

Oh I'm grateful 🤗🤗🤗

Thank you so much

интересное блюдо )))+ 2 лайка

Your bean porridge looks so nice
I can tell it is very delicious
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe

 4 months ago 

Oh I'm grateful 🤗🤗

 4 months ago (edited)

Thank you @muzack1