Man Admits Burning Churches to Raise 'Black Metal' Profile ⛪

in Atheism5 years ago

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A 22-year-old man has pleaded guilty to intentionally setting fire to three African-American
churches in the US state of Louisiana. Holden Matthews, 22, admitted to starting the fires to raise his profile as a 'black metal' musician, prosecutors said. He burned three Baptist churches in the Opelousas area over 10 days beginning in late March 2019. He faces 10 to 70 years in jail when he is sentenced on 22 May. Matthews entered several guilty pleas for federal and state charges. The three churches Matthews admitted to torching had predominantly African- American congregations.

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Source: Holden Matthews: Man admits burning churches to raise 'black metal' profile
Location: Louisiana, USA

  • Song: Michel Angio - Laugh (Edit by Ender Guney)
  • Laugh promoted by MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE

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The follies continue. The music has no fault in the case. This man is very confused and is in some kind of addiction and derangement. Hate does not lead to anything.

Well, I've never liked "heavy metal" or any other metal music, but I know some metal fans who are actually pretty cool people.
It is a very complex issue here because on the one hand you have an arsonist who can be just revealing a facet of a very twisted mind; then we have a crime agianst a very particular demographic group, which be be typified as racist/hate crime, and then a crime against a religious institution.
As I have said many times, the fact that I do not believe in any dogma held by any organized religion does not mean that I can justify any agression against religious people or their house of prayer.
If I do not like them, I just ignore them (hoping that they would do the same with me).
The metal issue makes this more bizarre, as one of you mentioned, it gives the group a bad name (as if the mere assumptions people make about heavy metal fans were not enough).
And here is where I take issue with any "artistic" movement that allows dark and ignoble practices to be part of their identity.
I think that all extremes are negative and radical actions like this one do little to reduce tensions between those who think that religious is the only way and those who think that sanatic attitudes and actions are actually the only and better way.

Anyone who thinks that is a good idea must be lacking some empathy. I know little about the black metal world, but it does seem some people take the satanism aspect seriously. For others it's just an extreme form of music. I generally think people can do what they like as long as it does not harm others. Hope he gets some gaol time to think it over.

Need to think carefully about this creature, the author of the post, which distributes the flags to normal posts, and a prostitute receives more rewards for this!

A 'normal post' is one where the author did not buy votes and actually cares about getting responses. Socialise with people rather than bots and be nice, not nasty.


in other words,he burnt those churches just because he wants fame as a musician,he is really sick on the head,and he deserves to be jailed for doing that,why hurt other people because of your own selfish desire??

first of all i am not a fan of any type of metal music so that could also show in my opinion concerning this issue,in the past i have listened to some good metal music and i have also listened to some metal music which kind of promote hate and violence and that made me loose interest in metal music.....this man who burnt those churches to raise his profile in the world of metal music actually might have been encouraged by the ideology by some metal musicians who preaches hate and violence just to get fame and money...