SEC-S8W2-The Power Of Dreams

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 years ago


Hello everyone here on this platform, it's another week to participate in beneficial contest topic organised by the community. I am so delighted to make a content here this week about the power of dreams.

In life, every human as witnessed his or her self in another world being a wonderland where ideas, pictures, illustrations and events occurs. Dream here can be defined as an involuntary occurrence that occur to most humans while they're asleep seeing unimaginable illustrations, pictures and actions, ideas and emotions can also be shared in the dream world. There certain types of dreams that occur in a human life which are: lucid dreams which tends to be real, daydreams, normal dreams and nightmares which seems to be scary.


Do you believe in dreams

Yeah, I believe in dreams because most of my dreams come into reality. Dreams mainly are illustrations to show what will happen in the future, so many people are gifted with the power of seeing dreams which come to reality, I to was blessed with the gift but I let it go when I saw death happenings instead. Dreams can be said to be wishes one desire to have in the future and also occurrences that happens in the dream world.

How often do you have dreams


So many dream while they're asleep due to stress, lots of thoughts and imaginations but I don't dream as a result of that. Mine comes as a revelation, I will categorise that as a gift but one that affects me because mostly are death happenings which do take place most of the times. I don't dream that often, it rarely comes but hits me so badly because of the message it passes.

Do you easily remember what you dream


Yeah, I remember every single happening and thoughts shared because it normally gets me up after each occurrence. Here is a dream that I had long ago which eventually came to pass the next morning, my grandmother was sick for many years so she was hospitalised in one of our rooms. That fateful night I had a dream how a woman on a wrapper pushed my grandmother down from the bed to the floor while she was begging not to be pushed. I rushed up that morning to see my grandmother in her room just to see my mom weeping out of her room. I was down and weak because I didn't pray about the dream due to the less understanding I had about the dream.

What has been your strangest dream


I categorised my dream being terrifying ones because it scares me a lot after one. My strangest dream happened not long ago which I prayed to have a disconnection from such gift, in my dream my parents were stabbed to death😞. I prayed about it and disconnected myself from such gift.

Have you had the same dream several times


Some dreams tend to occur again as a sign of confirmation or long thought about a particular event or happening. Nope mine comes once and that alone sticks a better confirmation of the dream occuring.

In conclusion, dreams are mainly gifts the youths and elderly ones should posses because it helps people work on a right path to success and breakthrough. Thanks for going through my post 😍❤️


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Its happy to know your dreams come true and you have believe on your night dreams. Yeah scared dream are terrible as you mentioned. May you never see it again in your life. Its more good to know you remember the things you see n dreams.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso.

Me alegra saber que tus sueños se hacen realidad, aunque a mi parecer no es un buen don, porque no es nada agradable soñar con cosas feas y que se hagan realidad, si todos los sueños fuesen hermosos sería increíble, pero no es así.

Siempre he pensado que cuando tenemos un mal sueño debemos orar para que no se haga realidad.

Amigo tu tercera imágen no está bien citada, el link que colocaste no me lleva a la foto correspondiente.

Saludos y éxitos en el concurso!!

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My friend you have written so well. Of a surety dreams occur as a confirmation of long thoughts too. You specially said dreams are gifts to young and elderly people. You have been expressive and concise. Thanks for such quality entry. Goodluck in the challenge my dear friend #steem-on

Saludos amigo que bueno saber que tienes el don de sueño, y es como usted dice el sueño nos habla del futuro.

Exitos en el concurso.