A Reborn Tribal Spirit Guide from a Lost Civilization in a Past Life

in Tribe Steem Up!4 years ago


The depiction of this golden idol connected my intuition with such familiarity that I recognized its presence from a previous life. It drew my gaze as I looked into it's depths, sensing the multidimensional facets of it. From my perspective I saw my own spirit guide - the owl - holding an ominous yet protective presence, and was seemingly guarding and supporting the four dancing humans beneath it, which I saw as the owl's original tribe.

logo 2.2.png

Zoomorphic Symbolism

Although I saw an owl in this symbol, it turns out that each person I showed this image to saw something different in it. People even had trouble agreeing on whether the objects on the top and sides were feathers or leaves. The only thing that each person's perception seemed to have in common was that they all saw some sort of animal or presence of an animal spirit. After turning up nothing with my online research, a friend turned me onto an old and rare book that explained the phenomenon we were experiencing through this symbol. The term is known as zoomorphic:


Aside from explaining the concept and history of Zoomorphics, this excerpt highlights a particular ancient Celtic symbol out of the Book of Kells. This image is a version of the Eight Circled Cross (pictured below) - which includes a depiction of four men and eight birds. This numerology is consistent in this version of the @Abundance.Tribe logo (in this case four men and eight feathers from birds), proving a direct correlation between the two symbols. The above except also describes the use of cornucopias and the tree of life, which is another interesting correlation between two other logos that were submitted to the Abundance.Tribe Logo Contest.

8 Circled Cross from the Book of Kells


4 Humans - 8 Birds

8 Circled Cross  4 men 8 birds.jpg
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Roots of Hawaiian Spirit

The artist's original intended symbolism behind this design was inspired by spirit traditions of Hawaii. Her intention was to depict the Hawaiian God she referred to as "Tiki Kane" - who she describes to represent "the god of creation, sunlight, the jungle, and its freshness" - @lisbethseijas. Upon further research however, it turns out that the word "Tiki" does not actually exists in Hawaiʻi. Large carved stone idols are however a prolific and mysterious part of Hawaiian culture, and do represent authority and providence in tribal cultures that honor these figure types, typically representing gods, spirits of ancestors, & great warriors.

New-Aged Hawaiian Movement of Spirit & Metaphysics

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Additionally, the Hawaiian word "Kane" actually translates to "man", and the depiction manifested here certainly looks more like "Ku" - the Hawaiian God of war ("Pele" is actually their goddess of creation). There is a "sub-god" in this culture referred to as "Kane", who dwells in the house of the sun (Hale a ka La). Kane is the primordial lord of the sun, and also appears in many different aspects which are personifications of natural phenomena such as "Kane-hekili", the god of the thunder, and in the Taro root. Kane is represented by an uncarved upright stone, since mankind cannot put form to the formless one. The interpretive nature of the symbol certainly does not end with the artist's intention however.

She also fittingly chose the color gold to represent abundance, and interestingly stated that she included "the representation of animals (plural) within the figure". In doing so, she seems to have intuitively manifested an ancient symbol that morphs to the animal needed to be seen by the perceiver... or perhaps, the animal the spirit behind the symbol wants you to see. Whichever the case, either would explain the zoomorphic effect transpiring here.

See Not With Your Eyes...


In order to see what this idol truly represents, one must sense what is hidden beneath it's projected animalistic guise. You must see past what you think you see, what you want to see, or what the idol wants you to see, and see it for what it truly is. This is a practice that requires time, patience, and possibly training to uncover. The first stepping stone to develop the true understanding of this symbol starts here, in understanding these outlined aspects.

Hearing the Kokopelli's Call

As mentioned in my post about the evolution of LisbethSeijas' logo design, I intuitively sensed Kokopellis calling to be included within the design framework somehow. While this concept was eventually included in the page-separator version of this design, this idea was also expressed by a friend of mine before I ever mentioned to her that I asked the artist to include Kokopellis. After showing my friend the Kokopelli alteration we manifested, we were led on a long discussion about the significance of their inclusion with such a culturally significant design like this one.




One of the notes my friend made that was also sitting in the back of my mind, was that all the kokopellis in this version of the symbol were the same, and there are many types of kokopellis that should have also been included. This would exemplify the diversity that likely existed in the now lost culture where this spirit-symbol hibernated. She showed me an artistic light-switch housing on her wall as an example of the different types (pictured below):


In my mind, it takes a variety of people and instruments to forge a truly complete and beautiful harmony, so all the members of the band must be present to achieve it. After more time and energy, I came up with this new concept that includes the diversity of music and culture, and is much more appropriate than the former (pictured below):

separador nuevo1.png

High Resolution & Night-Mode Adaptable Image for @Abundance.Tribe

Notice the mutlidimensional kokopellis guiding the looker into the other side of the inverted keyhole. These beings have the ability to show others the path to another word - one which we cannot find without them... a world of golden abundance. They are literally stepping in and out of different dimensions with their feet to show us the way. This is the keyhole, and each one of us holds the key to unlock it within. Through the guidance of spirit, we too can learn to unlock the ancient treasures awaiting us on the other side.

Psychic Ancestral Confirmation

As fate would have it, there was also a tribal native present during our discussion, who had some interesting insights to offer. This Onekawa Iroquois fluently speaks a language that is only actively preserved by about 50 people. She referenced a planetary shift that occurred back in 1152 AD, and then related the symbol being tied to an event in the 15th century - described as the time when "they took divine from the stars".

We went on to discuss our similar intuitive thoughts and feeling we were having surrounding the symbol. This conversation led us to visions of lost lands in the form of an island (or islands), that were inhabited by a people that were not historically recorded, or at least their history is currently hidden from the world. We all feel that this symbol was known to us in a past life, when we were living on a now long forgotten land, as a part a long forgotten people. We concluded that there is a tribe, a lost tribe, one that should be known, but is not. This culture thrived on a gold-rich, highly volcanic area that was eventually lost in water.

I believe most people's first thought when hearing this description leads their minds to Atlantis, as it did ours, however we are not completely convinced this is the case. If it is however, it would totally reshape where we thought the hypothesized locations of Atlantis may have been.

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There is a place known as Bahasa, a compilation of over 17,000 Indonesian islands. What we think we have discovered is that proof of this tribe, culture, and possibly entirely isolated civilization, will be on the next land mass (demographically) that rises out of the ocean's depths in this area. This will be the location of what we are referring to as: the lost sun worshiper tribe, and we think the name of the spirit behind our symbolic idol is known as Shibodku - "the sunlight bringer of abundance and gold". This is the lost tribe and land mass that our currently forming tribe in this life time, was once a part of in a previous lifetime. It would make sense that our tribe's idol/symbol would not resurface until now, when we were prepared enough to reclaim our true heritage, as a people one with Gaia.

Yesterday (5/30/2020) at Austin Hot Springs, Oregon

This topic was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to investigate. It it difficult to research something that technically no longer exists, and there is no known historic record of. Lets live up to the abundance that we have yet to fully harness, and pay homage to the golden spirit that nourishes, guides, & protects our tribe.




Enchanted blessings - with love, truth, respect, & honor - @ELAmental.


#TribeVibes druid_djinn.png


Stay tuned - into the right frequencies


Click here to hear my single: Shift the Focus on Soundcloud from my upcoming album: Power of Truth

(Link to new album title claim)

Click here to hear my un-mastered sample of No Consent

My debut conscious Hip-Hop album The Hex Wrecker is completely free for download on Bandcamp & Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.

