A Rant On The Need To Express Sacrosanctness In Communication

in Tribe Steem Up!3 years ago

I've always maintained a really small cycle, friends, acquaitances, colleagues and people who i am randomly familiar with all my life and there are many reasons for this, however one of the glaring reasons is my ability to connect to people on a level that is smooth, understanding and retable.

Because of my nature, the way I was raised and so many other circumstances I believe a lot in the power of communication. I believe it has the potential to change people, create bonds and form the biggest of relationships. I like to leave am impression when I talk to people, I like them to keep them guessing, I like to be somewhat of a challenge. An interesting challenge that is healthy. I use to seek for more in communication and that is why I believe it expands beyond talking with someone you know.


Via Bitmoji

I believe the best form of communication is non-verbal because the things we perceive deep within us about someone is how we would eventually relate with them, when people Communicate non-verbally it deals more with feelings, it deals more with gestures of which sometimes cannot even be spoken enough.

What makes a great relationship isn't what is "being said" it is more or less like what is "being done". Sometimes we communicate understanding and love through our actions and it often resonates even better when we act the love we actually profess, there are many ways we communicate non verbally but then look around, communication is vain nowadays, people do not utilise it properly and we this is why we often misunderstand more than we actually understand.

I've always had problems with how people communicate and this is because people fail to pay attention to details. Details in communication is what helps you to place a deep understanding and profer an appropriate feedback. But sometimes people are too impatient, they do not want to listen, they do not want to percieve and hence it become difficult.

A lot of people rely on what is being said to them they do not take time to feel. However what people actually fear to communicate verbally is what they often communicate non-verbally and that is why it is important to pay attention to the guestures and body language of others, their facial expressions. People communicate more with their body and their actions and this is where the real intentions of people lies.


Via Bitmoji

Although we have a lot of people in life who are ambiguous, they chose to be ambiguous simply because they want to be remain an enigma. I have met a lot of people like this and I recently met one sometimes last year. She obviously was far away so we talk often online, because of this it was difficult for me to read her, I could not see her non-verbal expression so it became difficult for me to understand her.

I was reliant on what she told me but then I discovered she wanted to be an enigma all my attempt to take into a deeper mode of communication feel on a wall, she was filled with contrasting ideas, she was someone who does not portray what she was when she talks and this isn't someone I want to talk to. I prefer people to be open minded, I like it when people give off an opening for me to discover them and this would determine if we would bond on a deeper lane or just stay on a casual level.

I am someone that loves to see the "unspoken side" of people and I see bonding with enigmatic people as a waste of time. I have talked to a lot of people all my life and I have seen people bond on a deeper level. I'm always the fun guys, I know when humor is the recipe and I know when it isn't but then I often depend on the aura left from people and that is why I prefer people who are straight forward with their intentions.

Communication should be what sells our identity and reveal our personality. I like to leave an impression of who I am from the way I often relate, I believe a lot on in first impressions and sometimes I believe misconceptions wouldn't be an order of the day. I tend to stay away from people who wants me to go the long way just to know them. I feel life is too short for enigma, the universe is also strange and unfamiliar and I believe we humans shouldn't try to be so to ourselves.