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RE: Cat Play | Felinestein: Pampering the Genius in Your Cat - a book endorsed by @manorvillemike

in dPet5 years ago

Bobi the Bad and Scary Mary do look alike. : ) Pachino loves to play with colorful shoelaces. I walk with one dragging on the floor behind me and he tries to catch it, and I drag it slowly around corners of anything, (stop and go while wiggling it). He catches it like it is prey. I laugh so hard when we do this. LOL just thinking about it. : )


Aw, Pachino!!
I haven't tried the shoelace game. I'll have to add it to Bobi's repertoire. He's as finicky about games as he is food. He has one brand, and only one, that he will eat without crying like a starvation case in front of the full dish. He likes very few games. Won't chase a ball or a laser dot. Loses interest in toys faster than an ADHD kid with a boring teacher. But he loves hide and seek and prey games. Hug Pachino for me!

I just read through this whole post.. Am exhausted. I usually only look at pictures and a few sentences. But since my name and cats were in it I managed to finish it...
Suggestion for Bobi... Get a live mouse for him to chase from time to time...

Checked your twitter with my "Lots & lots of cats" we got 2 likes ...yours & mine... lol 🙀🙀

Two likes on Twitter - ours - we liked each other 🙀🙀
You sound like my mom: she won't read long posts. And blocks of words without pictures to break it up? Not for her.
You could skim, you know... I'm sorry I worked you so hard! You started it though with the Felinestein suggestion. :)
Bobi has killed mice before. I still believe he's the villain who felled a ground squirrel when I let him outside one afternoon. It was him or Prince, and neither one ever 'fessed up.
At least Bobi has mellowed with age. His first year or two here were.... interesting.

How old is Bobi the Bad ?

He was 8 months old and had been at the pound for 3 months, in 2011... so I think he's age nine by now. I need to learn how to add text to generate memes like this one:


Cool meme/// try this, there are others out there....