
in Inspire People3 years ago (edited)

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Inspiration is a feeling of excitement or encouragement. Motivation is used to describe the reason a person does something. It is the initiative or guide of goal-oriented behaviour.

The first step to success is motivation. Without being motivated we can never get anything done.

There may be times where we aren't just motivated to do anything. This is natural.

Some ways we can feel motivated.

Extrinsic motivation: This is the type of motivation in which you are moved to do something because of the external reward you gain from it.
This type of motivation comes from thinking about the reward you will gain from performing a task. It could be a job you do not enjoy doing. In this type of situation you will feel least motivated to get the job done. But if you try to refocus on what you will accomplish by doing the job then you will succeed. Think about so many people you have been able to help by doing that job. Think about how you support to your family and even your friends. Thinking about all of this will keep you motivated to do your best. They will be a source of inspiration to you to keep working each day.

Intrinsic motivation

This is the type of motivation whereby a person feels good for what he does. He doesn't view it as something burdensome no matter how big the task may seem to be.
It's very important for us to find out what gives us intrinsic motivation. Not being able to feel good about ourselves at any point is very dangerous.
What do you enjoy doing? How does it make you feel? Find out and make out time for them.

Our family can be a source of inspiration/motivation to us. The thought of supporting our dear loved ones can give us a big motivation for the day. It will push us to work hard knowing that we are providing for the people we love and we feel happy to see them rejoice.

Why is motivation/inspiration so important?

There is no way you can get anything done without feeling motivated. Motivation helps us to set goals for ourselves and strife towards achieving It. Motivation helps us to gain great outcomes in life. It helps us to change our way of thinking and behaving.

Sources of motivation changes from person to person.

self motivation

Its only when a person is determined within himself to perform a task that he can be able to do it. People may persuade him but if his mind isn't made up then nothing works.

We need to understand what motivates and inspires us. That way it will be easier to become motivated and inspired.

How do we motivate or inspire peiple around us?

• For one thing we need to be motivated and inspired ourselves. When we are always enthusiastic about life and living people get inspired. They will like to imitate our examples.

Our life should be an example of motivation to the people around us.
Let your actions speak louder than your spoken words.
• Appreciate and recognise others.
Appreciating others can help them feel worthy of themselves and spur them to do better in the future.

• Provide a welcoming environment for people.
Give listening ears to people who feel less motivated and offer to help to when the need arises. Show them you care by being supportive.

Build people up by saying positive things and remaining positive yourselves. Appeal to their emotion and tell them your positive life stories.

You cannot do everything at the same time. You need to find your balance. Never compete with people who think you are not doing your best.

Do not try to be who you are not just to prove yourself right. Each one has his own uniqueness, his own beautiful aspect.

Be a force for motivation to people around you. I call on all members of the inspire people community to continue to do their best to inspire as many as possible. That is the main purpose of the community.

I call on my team mates @jlvillamizar, @peacefulsoul @rightscomet. Let us all work together to build and inspire more people by means of this dear community.


In all honesty, it's the first time I knew about extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. And it feels so nice to learn that from someone you know is working hard to deliver that knowledge.

I am learning! Thank you for sharing these thoughts.