A Resonance of Leaves

in ART 🌻🎨📝3 months ago


In the amber glow of autumn's embrace,

Leaves cascade, a ballet of grace.

A symphony of hues, a vibrant array,

Whispering tales of life's fleeting ballet.

From the lofty boughs, they gently descend,

A waltz with the wind, a dance without end.

Each leaf, a poet in the twilight's choir,

Falling with purpose, consumed by the fire.

Yet in their descent, a promise is made,

Of resurrection, in the shadows they'll fade.

A journey to the earth, a sacred repose,

Where roots await, and new life bestows.

In the hush of winter's icy breath,

A silent slumber, a dance with death.

Beneath the blanket of frost and snow,

Lies the secret of life's cyclical flow.

As the seasons turn, and springtime awakes,

Leaves resurrect, from slumber they break.

Tiny buds unfurl, like a phoenix's flight,

A resurrection, a testament to light.

Nature's poem, a tale so profound,

In leafy resurrection, beauty is found.

A cycle of life, a timeless refrain,

As leaves fall and rise, in nature's domain.