Gaia Ascension Etheric Activation

in SpiritWeb4 years ago

We have waited for this for a long time! Gaia's activation of our etheric bodies signals a profound polarity switch within our world. For the first time our physical bodies are now drawing sustenance from the pure energies of light and love in a demonstrable way. I have seen this transformation in my dog Luci in her final physical days. Gaia is now radiating this powerful new life energy out in support of all ascending lifeforms...

All life forms with an organic connection to her are receiving this influx of life energy. Those living in their heads with no energetic connection to Gaia are not able to receive these supportive energies. They are not ascending...

As we enter the post pandemic world those ascending are filled with hope as an entirely new world opens up in all its splendor. Those not ascending are still living in fear...