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RE: TravelFeed 3.0, Independence And Cross-Posting

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

You have lost all my respect by continuing to support Steem. You clearly do not actually stand for the values you say you do. Spouting bullshit arguments like "all front ends are centralized" on Twitter when THE BACKEND OF STEEM IS 100% CENTRALIZED. One person can push though any soft/hard fork on Steem, at will, without the support of a single other stakeholder. And this is not just a hypothetical, surely you are aware that the largest stakeholders on Steem have just had their accounts frozen in a softfork? Is it going to take having your own accounts frozen and your own posts censored before you actually stand up for the values you claim to believe in? What a joke. Please just move to Facebook, it is literally more decentralized than Steem is now.


Where have you concluded that TravelFeed supports Steem? TravelFeed is independent and rely on its own database, the only thing we do is provide a service for our users to post wherever they want, it might include more platforms in the future, who knows.

It is like saying you are not a Nazi, because on two days of the week you do humanitarian work... but on the weekend you are still attending Nazi rallies and signing up people for the Nazi party. That means you are a Nazi. You can't say you are for decentralization and stay on Steem. That means, you are not for decentralization. Have you not been paying attention to what is happening on Steem? It is absolutely incredible that a business owner / website developer would choose to keep their business on this sinking ship. Steem is literally not a blockchain anymore, with a single point of failure it fails the most basic tests that a blockchain has to pass. The token is likely heading for delisting on all exchanges except for poloniex which JSun directly controls (hot tip, crypto tokens where the network is controlled by a single person that arbitrarily blocks users and funds from accounts get delisted LOL), the price is heading for the toilet with the largest stakeholder having publicly stated he is going to dump the Stinc stake on the market, there is no development on the platform, and the entire chain could freeze as soft/hardforks can be pushed through by a single person with no testing. It is idiocy of the highest degree to stay on Steem, and hypocrisy to continue to claim a decentralized experience for your users while doing so. Wake up.

You are full of conclusions without even paying attention to what I said, I'll say it one last time, ok?

TravelFeed is not on Steem, and it's not on Hive either! It's an independent project with its own database, we shutdown our witnes server and we do not fetch data from any of the blockchains. The only thing we do, is give the users a service to cross-post on other platforms (Hive, Steem, Facebook, Twitter, whatever). The only thing we are keeping is our curation on both blockchains, because that reward goes fully to the USERS.

I know exactly what's going on on Steem, and I also analyse Hive, for me both of them are collapsing (hopeflly not).

Obs.: I'll ignore you calling me a Nazi.

We're not staying on Steem .. as @mrprofessor stated we're independent. We're not claiming to be decentralized anymore because what the past has shown us, the content is at risk if we don't secure the hard work on our server.


And for now users can decide to push their articles to Stemm (well TF was build on top of Steem) and now since yesterday they can post their content to Hive. And maybe next week they're able to push the their content to whatever blockchain.

I don't understand this entire rage - it's like for Facebook to demand users that they can't use Twitter or TikTok anymore if they use FB. We give our users the choice to make the right decision for them. Freedom of choice and voice :)

The past has shown that content stored on one blockchain is just far from an ideal solution and we decided to become a standalone platform to secure the content of our users. It's just interesting that what we were working on and gained respect for over the years, is all thrown out of the window because we don't blindly follow to the new big thing. Users on TravelFeed come first. There is no black and white, especially when looking at governance and power grab as long there are humans are involved. So being independent, to have have full control over our direction and not depending on some big fish in the pond or devs, looks like the only way to move forward to for ANY app to me.

Also I would like to underline that we don't favor one blockchain over the other - TravelFeed gives the tools for our users to make their own decision. Especially when more blockchains and supported frontends are going to be introduced.

"blindly"... what you are blindly doing, apparently, is turning a blind eye to what is actually happening on Steem. It is to be expected that an average user of your travel site may not be fully aware of what has happened to Steem. But you as a developer absolutely can and should be held to a higher standard. You say you are staying on Steem to give your users a choice. A choice is only meaningful if it is made with adequate information. This is not like offering users a choice between two web browsers, or two login options. If you truly want to give your users a choice you would have to tell them: "You can keep posting on Steem but we have to tell you that the network is no longer secure and it no longer qualifies as a blockchain (100% centralized / single point of failure), your wallet funds may not be safe (funds from users already frozen arbitrarily - I would say frozen for disagreement with JSun but look at @freedom, who was not involved in attacks on JSun, not involved in Hive, and wasn't even powering down - Freedom was staying on Steem and was the second largest investor behind the stinc stake and got frozen! Look at @darthknight, not a witness, not a hive dev, not attacking jsun, just a large investor who made the horrible mistake of buying 2 million steem right before JSun bought steemit!); the token you will earn has a high likelihood of being delisted from exchanges (guess what, hot tip, crypto networks controlled by a single entity that arbitrarily block user funds including an exchange account usually get delisted from exchanges...); there is no development on the chain and the community and developers that used to be on Steem have moved to Hive. If you told them all that and they still wanted to post to Steem, that would be offering your users a choice.

As it is, at best it is negligent to continue offering Steem as a choice to your users and at worst it is a straight up fraudulent. There is no possible way that you can in good conscience recommend users to use steem. You couldn't recommend someone to invest in it, you couldn't recommend someone to hold funds in a steem wallet.

At this point it is pretty obvious that the promise of $ from JSun was enough for you to throw your morals out the window. You have lost so much respect from me and the rest of the community. Have fun on a sinking ship. I hope you take your blinders off before the water actually fills your lungs and travelfeed completely goes under.

Let me clarify some things for you.

1.: Our business target is bloggers and travel writers from all over the world, most of them are not even involved in blockchain, nor they want; their main objective is to post their content on every option they have (i.e FB, Twitter, Hive, Steem, TravelFeed, Wordpress page, YouTube), that's how content creation works.

2.: TravelFeed users are TravelFeed users, we are not encouraging them to post on Steem nor on Hive, it's up to them to decide; new TravelFeed users' accounts are not linked to Steem/Hive, they are free to sign-up to the blockchains at their own will and following their own risk/judgement. It's also their own choice to cross-post on Steem/Hive, we are not forcing them.

As it is, at best it is negligent to continue offering Steem as a choice to your users and at worst it is a straight up fraudulent. There is no possible way that you can in good conscience recommend users to use steem. You couldn't recommend someone to invest in it, you couldn't recommend someone to hold funds in a steem wallet.

Again, where have you concluded that we are recommending users to invest on Steem?

don´t react on this guy he is blind of rage and whatever, he´s not willing to hear, not willing to learn, so let him do what he likes to but better ignore him, hes got more such discussions in the last days.
Guess the way you describe for travelfeed 3.0 is a very good idea to stay out of all that hutzle, we got lots of very good writers an photographers so let them do their work and still support them with the new platform that´s more than enough what you can do for them. Don´t fight the war´s of others.