Walk of Fame in Podolsk, why it is remarkable and what you should pay attention to

in TravelFeed2 years ago

The Walk of Fame is notable for the fact that they paid attention to all the defenders of our native land. It begins with a monument, a memorial to the defenders of the Fatherland. Yes, to those who defended our Motherland from fascist invaders. On both sides of the memorial are the names of those who died in the battles for Kotovsk. Unfortunately, the eternal flame is no longer eternal. It is lit only on Victory Day.

A monument to the fallen representatives of law enforcement agencies was erected here. Those who died defending our peace, health and life. Immediately behind it we see the monuments to the victims of the Chernobyl disaster. Those who died during the liquidation of the accident and the evacuation of citizens from the infection zone. Even those who died not immediately, but years later. They received a serious dose of radiation.

Now let's move on to the monument to the victims of the Holodomor of 1933. In those terrible times, people died a terrible death. They died because there was nothing to eat. It was terrible pain. Terrible death. This topic needs to be discussed separately. Moreover, write more than a dozen materials.

Let's move on to the memorial to the soldiers of the internationalists. Those who fought in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and so on. That is, those who defended the interests of our Motherland outside of it. Those who died in a foreign land. Here we see not only the memorial itself, but also a combat vehicle. All this embodies the fighting spirit of the guys who went into battle without sparing themselves. Not even in their native land. They fought in different parts of the world. Including in Transnistria.

Nearby we see a unique monument to the border guards. This is a border post. It has the symbols of the Soviet Union on it. And it is right. Since the USSR is our past, our history, which must be treated with respect. We must understand that it is the border guards who protect the borders of the country. They are the first to meet the enemy. They are ready to give their lives so that the enemy does not set foot on our land!

A small chapel was built on the territory of the park - a church. Prayers are regularly held here in honor of our compatriots who died. Services are led by priests.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the monument to those who died in peacetime. That is, during the conflict in the Donbass and on the Maidan. As for me, these are innocent and not forced victims, which could not only be prevented, but also avoided. It is a pity that this fire of war smolders to this day. And the guilty continue to live and enjoy freedom.

Here is such an Alley of Glory in Kotovsk (Podolsk), Odessa region. Heroes are honored here. We know our history and respect our ancestors. Those who, not sparing themselves, fought for a peaceful sky above their heads. I will talk about this topic constantly. I will show memorials and monuments in villages, urban-type settlements and even in open fields. This topic is sacred for each of us!

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