Horticulture Center in Tangail || Traveling Blog ||

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

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Hello all travel lovers

How are you all.I hope everybody is well.And I am also good.You know I am Md Aminul Islam from Tangail district of Bangladesh.Today i will talk to you about my another trip.

Let's talk

Friends, there are 64 districts in Bangladesh.There are many spectacular place in almost every district of Bangladesh.Our Tangail district is inside these 64 districts.Our Tangail district is located about 90 km northwest of the capital Dhaka.Our Tangail district is a larger district.Our Tangail district consists of 13 upazilas.There are about 40 lakh people in Tangail district.

There are many places to travel inside Tangail district.There are many spectacular place in Tangail.There are long forests inside Tangail district.There are many more interest place besides forests.Similarly, there is a horticulture center in Tangail.Yes friends there is a horticulture center in Tangail.It is basically a Department of Agricultural Extension.

However, the horticulture center in Tangail is very good for travel.This is a beautiful place.The environment around horticulture center is very pleasant and natural.A beautiful place to spend time.Tangail horticulture center is one of my favorite place.

So, one afternoon I decided to go to the horticulture center.The day was Monday.So I got ready to go horticulture center at four in the afternoon.The horticulture center is located inside Tangail town.Located about two kilometers south from our home.That means not too far from our home.Then I arrived at the Horticulture Center at 4:30 in afternoon.

When I went there, I saw the amazing natural beauty.I was fascinated by the beauty there.The atmosphere there was really beautiful.There is huge space there.There are all kinds of trees in that places.There are many plants, big and small.There are many flower garden.There are also many vegetable gardens.

The gardens there are arranged.There are many types of flowering plants.There are also different types of green leafy trees.There are many types of fruit trees.There are different types of vegetables trees.Crops have been planted in some parts of the land there.The roads there are covered with green grass.There is road next to the horticulture center.There are many flowers trees beside the roads.Just beauty all around.

I walked inside the horticulture center for a long time.I looked around the whole place.I am absolutely fascinated by the beauty there.It is really nice to spend time in such an environment in the afternoon.Anyone's mind will be refreshed in this environment.

I am not lying about the beauty of the horticulture center.I take some pictures during the horticulture center trip.I take pictures with my used smartphone camera.I shared all the pictures with you here.In the pictures you can see the beauty of the horticulture center.Hope you like these pictures.

Such as, you can see in these two pictures that there are fresh vegetables.These are spinach leaves.There is more fresh green grass here🖕.These are really amazing scenes.I was really fascinated by this beauty.I was inside the horticulture center for about two hours.The mind does not want to leave such a beautiful environment.

It was a beautiful afternoon.The weather was good.There was a cool air in nature.All in all it was a beautiful afternoon for me.I walked inside the horticulture center for a while more.Walking there and I enjoyed the beauty of horticulture center.I enjoyed the beauty of flowers there.I enjoyed the beauty of fresh vegetable plants there.I am fascinated by there gardens, agricultural lands, etc.Then the evening came closer.And I came back home.

This was the story of my trip to the horticulture center in Tangail one afternoon.That was a beautiful afternoon for me.I enjoyed that trip.

Friends, I love traveling to the horticulture center in Tangail.It was a very pleasant moment indeed.So I shared my beautiful travel moment with you.I hope you like my travels story and travel photography.

Everyone stay well and stay safe.I wish you good health.See you again.

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