Travel to Ischia / Dovolenka na Ischii

in TravelFeed3 years ago

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I wrote this post in two languages. In English and Slovak language.

A holiday on the island of Ischia could be considered our honeymoon. I chose this destination.

The island caught my eye from the beginning. Beautiful ruins of a castle on an island which is connected to the island of Ischia by a bridge. I have to see that! And his location was great too.

This island of volcanic origin is located in the Gulf of Naples and I also wanted to visit Naples. Besides, the beach and the sea, but what more do we need?

I have to admit, the road to our destination was a bit daunting. In Slovakia, no travel agency offers a holiday on the island of Ischia, so we arranged the holiday through an Italian travel agency. But she will take care of us only in Italy after arriving in Naples. Until then, it is in our hands.

From Spišská Nová Ves, where we live, we get on a train and go to Budapest. We have to sleep right here and in the morning a hotel taxi is to take us to the airport.

We slept well and in the morning we pack up quickly and go in front of the hotel, where a taxi is waiting for us. Instead of the car in which we would put our luggage, a driver with a tablet in his hands is waiting for us. He shows us something about it and tries to explain something to us in Hungarian English. We take a closer look and see a list of scheduled flights from Budapest on the screen. The red canceled sign flashes for the first three. Fortunately, our flight is not among them. Ours is the fifth in a row.

The Lord explains to us that they suspected a bomb on board one of the planes that landed at the airport, then evacuated and closed the entire airport. He could be seen thinking about how he would help us. We still had time and so we only stressed a little. After half an hour of waiting, he came to us and told us to get in the car. A friend said to him that the airport had already been opened. We took a deep breath.

They found no bomb at the airport and returned to the old tracks. We get on a plane and hooray, we go in the direction of Naples.

The flight goes smoothly and we are landing in Naples. We are looking for someone from a travel agency to take us to the island. Fortunately, as we exit the airport lobby, we see the gentleman with a sign that says my name on it. He will take us to the bus and head to the port. When disembarking, he gives us tickets for the ferry that will take us to the island.

The ferry leaves in an hour and we buy buns to eat, water to drink and we walk around the port a bit.

The ships moored here are truly enchanting.

We board the ferry. As soon as we moved, a flock of seagulls surrounded us. They circled around, waiting for someone from the ship to throw something good under their teeth.

As we leave the port, we see a lighthouse and a statue of the Pope blessing every ship that enters or leaves the port.

We love the surroundings and we are glad that we have set out on this journey. It is our first ferry trip and actually the first holiday on the island.

After less than an hour of sailing, we swim around the castle of Aragonese. This castle is connected to the island of Ischia only by a narrow road.

We enter the port and disembark. There are a lot of people everywhere who have scattered in all directions. We also stand with our luggage in a large parking lot, looking around and looking for someone who came for us from the trip.

People dispersed, the last taxi left and we were left alone in the port. Only seagulls kept us company. Fortunately, after half an hour of uncertainty, a smiling guy stopped by. Peaceful and in a good mood, he greeted us on the island. He put his suitcases in our car and took us to the hotel. We are finally here!

Ischia is a small island with an area of ​​46.3 square kilometers, located in the Gulf of Naples. It is an island of volcanic origin. There are larger or smaller volcanic centers on it. The last eruption was in 1302. The volcano is currently inactive, but earthquakes predict the movement of magma beneath the island and the possibility of an eruption in the future. We hope not when we are on the island.

We unpack our things and go to the night city. The nightlife here is not as intense as in the big resorts, but there is a small promenade surrounded by shops and stalls, where you can buy whatever you want or sit in one of the restaurants. Ischia is a fishing town and has retained its character to this day.

The most beautiful view of the city at night is, in my opinion, from this pier.

I was immediately attracted by small cars on the island, which found their place in these narrow streets.

We are on the island for the third day and after a day of relaxation on the beach and evening walks around the city, we went to visit the island's landmarks. It is the castle of Aragonese.

We are accommodated close and so we go down the hill, we cross a little around the historic center and we are in front of the pier that connects the castle built on a rock with the island.

We walk through the entrance gate and delve into the history of the castle. Its origins date back to 474 BC. In that year he built a fortification and two towers on the castle hill of Hiero I. Syracuse. The fortifications served to control the enemy fleet. Later the castle was occupied by the Neapolitans, then by the Romans and finally again by the Neapolitans. In 1441, King Alfonso I of Aragon of Spain had a fortified castle built on an island near Ischia and connected it to the island by a bridge. The castle protected the island from pirates.

Later, the castle became a refuge for the nuns of the Poor Clares and the Basilian monks. There were 13 churches and 2,000 families. In 1809, the island was besieged by the British under French command and the castle was almost destroyed but not conquered. The castle has been privately owned since 1912.

We like the castle. Not only is there a nice view of the island and the sea from here, but the small narrow streets are not a mistake.

After a walk and getting to know the castle, we come to the beach. We want to relax and enjoy the sea.

On the other side of the island is the town of Forio. The church located here is known far and wide. The Chiesa del Soccorso was originally a Augustinian monastery, built in 1350. In 1883 it was destroyed by an earthquake. They restored it, but in a more modest style.

Ischia is a really nice island, located in an interesting place. One can relax here and get to know the surroundings at the same time. We went on a trip from the island, but I'll tell you about them next time.

Well thank you.

Dovolenka na ostrove Ischia by sa dala považovať za našu svadobnú cestu. Túto destináciu som vybral ja.

Ostrov ma upútal hneď od začiatku. Krásna zrúcanina hradu na ostrovčeku ktorý je s ostrovom Ischia spojený mostom. To musím vidieť! A jeho poloha bola tiez výborná.

Tento ostrov vulkanického pôvodu sa nachádza v Neapolskom zálive a Neapol som tiež chcel navštíviť. Okrem toho pláž a more, no čo viac nám treba?

Musím priznať, že cesta do nášho cieľa bola trochu krkolomná. Na Slovensku neponúka žiadna cestovná kancelária dovolenku na ostrove Ischia a tak sme si dovolenku vybavili cez taliansku cestovnú kanceláriu. Ona sa o nás postará ale až v Taliansku po prílete do Neapola. Dovtedy je to v našich rukách.

Zo Spišskej Novej Vsi, kde bývame, nasadáme na vlak a ideme do Budapešťi. Práve tu máme prespať a ráno nás má hotelový taxík odviesť na letisko.

Dobre sme sa vyspali a ráno sa rýchlo balíme a ideme pred hotel, kde nás uz má čakať taxík. Miesto auta do ktorého by sme dali našu batožinu nás čaká šofér s tabletom v rukách. Ukazuje nám niečo na ňom a maďarskou angličtinou sa nám snaží niečo vysvetliť. Pozeráme sa bližšie a na obrazovke vidíme zoznam plánovaných letov z Budapešti. Pri prvých troch bliká červený nápis canceled. Našťastie medzi nimi náš let nie je. Náš je až piaty v poradí.

Pán nám vysvetľuje že mali podozrenie na bombu na palube jedného z lietadiel, ktoré na letisku pristálo, následne evakuovali a uzavreli celé letisko. Bolo vidno, že rozmýšľa ako by nám pomohol. Mali sme ešte čas a tak sme stresovali iba trochu. Po polhodine čakania prisiel za nami a vravel nam, že mame nastúpiť do auta. Vraj mu volal kamarát, že letisko už otvorili. Poriadne sme si vydýchli.

Na letisku žiadnu bombu nenašli a všetko sa vrátili do starých koľají. Nasadáme sme do lietadla a hurá, ideme smer Neapol.

Let prebieha bez problémov a čo nevidieť pristávame v Neapole. Hľadáme niekoho z cestovnej kancelárie, ktorý nás prepraví na ostrov. Našťastie pri výstupe do letiskovej haly vidíme pána s ceduľou, na ktorej je napísané moje meno. Ten nás odprevadí k autobusu a vyrázame k prístavu. Pri vystupovaní nám dáva do ruky vstupenky na trajekt, ktorým sa dostaneme na ostrov.

Trajekt odchádza až za hodinu a my si kupujeme buchty na jedenie, vodu na pitie a trochu sa prechádzame po prístave.

Lode, ktoré tu kotvia sú naozaj očarujúce.

Nastupujeme na trajekt. Len čo sme sa pohli, obklopil nás kŕdeľ čajok. Krúžili okolo a čakali, či im niekto z lode nehodí niečo dobré pod zub.

Pri odchode z prístavu vidíme maják a sochu pápeža, ktorá požehná každú loď ktorá príde do prístavu, alebo z neho vypláva.

Kocháme sa okolím a sme radi, že sme sa na túto cestu vybrali. Je to našanprvá cesta trajektom a vlastne aj prvá dovolenka na ostrove.

Po necelej hodine plavby plávame okolo hradu Aragonese. Tento hrad je spojený s ostrovom Ischia iba úzkou cestou.

Vplávame do prístavu a vystupujeme. Všade je veľa ľudí, ktorí sa rozutekali na všetky strany. My stojíme aj s batozinou na veľkom parkovisku, obzeráme sa okolo seba a hľadáme niekoho, kto pre nás z cestovky prišiel.

Ľudia sa rozpŕchli, odišiel aj posledný taxík a my sme v prístave ostali sami. Spoločnosť nám robili iba čajky. Našťastie po polhodine neistoty pri nás zastavil usmiaty chlapík. Pokojne a s dobrou náladou nás privítal na ostrove. Kufre nám dal do auta a odviezol na hotel. Konečne sme tu!

Ischia je neveľký ostrov s rozlohou 46,3 km štvorcových, nachadzajúci sa v Neapolskom zálive. Je to ostrov vulkanického pôvodu. Nachádzajú sa na ňom väčšie či menšie vulkanické centrá. Posledná erupcia tu bola v roku 1302. Vulkán je momentálne neaktívny, no zemetrasenia predpovedajú pohyb magmy pod ostrovom a moznosť erupcie v budúcnosti. Dúfame, že nie v čase keď budeme na ostrove.

Vybaľujeme si veci a ideme sa prejsť do nočného mesta. Nočný zivot tu nie je taký intenzívny ako vo veľkých letoviskách, no je tu neveľká promenáda obklopená obchodíkmi a stánkami, kde sa dá kúpiť na čo máte chuť, alebo si posedieť v niektorej z reštaurácií. Ischia je rybarske mestečko a zachovalo si svoj ráz aj do dnešných dní.

Najkrajší pohľad na mesto v noci je podľa mňa z tohto móla.

Na ostrove ma okamžite upútali malé autá, ktoré si v týchto úzkych uličkách našli svoje uplatnenie.

Na ostrove sme tretí deň a po dni oddychu na pláži a večerných prechádzkach po meste sme sa vybrali na návštevu dominanty ostrova. Je ňou hrad Aragonese.

Sme ubytovaní blízko a tak zídeme z kopca, prejdeme ss trochu po historickom centre mesta a sme pred mólom ktoré spája hrad postavený na skale s ostrovom.

Prechádzame vstupnou bránou a vnárame sa do histórie hradu. Jeho počiatky siahajú do roku 474 pred Kristom. V tom roku vybudoval na hradnom kopci Hiero I. Syrakúzky opevnenie a dve veže. Opevnenie slúžilo na kontrolu nepriateľského loďstva. Neskôr hrad okupovali Neapolčania, potom Rimania a napokon opäť Neapolčania. V roku 1441 nechal španielsky kráľ Alfonso I. Aragónsky na ostrove pri Ischii vybudovať opevnený hrad a mostom ho spojil s ostrovom. Hrad chránil ostrov pred pirátmi.

Neskôr sa hrad stal útočiskom mníšok Klarisiek a mníchov Baziliánov. Bolo tu 13 kostolov a žilo 2000 rodín. V roku 1809 ostrov pod Francúzskym velením obliehali Briti a hrad takmer zničili, avšak nedobyli. Od roku 1912 je hrad v súkromnom vlastníctve.

Na hrade sa nám páci. Nie len že je odtiaľto pekný výhľad na ostrov a na more, ale malé úzske uličky nemajú chybu.

Po prechádzke a spoznaní hradu prichádzame na pláž. Chceme si oddýchnuť a užiť si more.

Na druhej strane ostrova sa nachádza mestečko Forio. Kostol, ktorý sa tu nachádza je známy široko ďaleko. Chiesa del Soccorso bol pôvodne Augustuánsky kláštor, vybudovaný v roku 1350. V roku 1883 ho zničilo zemetrasenie. Obnovili ho, no už v skromnejšim štýle.

Ischia je naozaj pekný ostrov, nachádzajúci sa na zaujímavom mieste. Človek si tu môže oddýchnuť a zároveň spoznať okolie. Z ostrova sme šli na niekoľko výletov, ale o nich vám poviem až nabudúce.


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