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RE: Power Up e Qualche Chiacchiera del Lunedì! 🚀 / Monday Power Up and some Talk! [MULTILANGUAGE]

in Italy9 months ago

Friend, reading your article, I came to know that you do power up on Mondays of the week. This is a sign of improvement for itself and for the Steam platform.
Along with that, I also got to know about some rules for getting vomiting support.
Best wishes to you my friend. Be well and be healthy. Looking forward to your next interesting article.


Of course the power up makes us grow and gives us more voting power on Steemit and also strengthens the whole platform.
Think if all Steemit users invested in the platform how strong the Steem token would become.😊

would be great.
If you don't mind a friend, I would like to say something. I'm just asking to know. what can i say?? If you allow