need gratitude in life

in Italy2 days ago
greetings steem italy-game friends, what are you all,, I hope you are all fine, and on this afternoon's occasion, I will talk about gratitude, I know we all know what gratitude means, but I want to explain more about why showing gratitude is so important and how gratitude helps me to stay focused, in living this boring life, right?

Gratitude is about appreciating the good things in life and recognizing the kindness shown by others. When we practice gratitude, our focus shifts from what we don't have to what we do have. I know there are times in life us when we wallow in the things we don't have and forget about the many good things we do have. When we focus on the good side of life, it improves our mental well-being by reducing stress and increasing happiness. Showing gratitude also helps improve our relationships with others.

In my tribe, which is an Acehnese tribe, there is a saying that says "if you are grateful for the little that is given to you, you will definitely receive more"

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Repeatedly expressing gratitude has strengthened relationships with others and also opened the door to so many opportunities. By showing gratitude, people not only feel valued, they feel appreciated and this will deepen the relationship you have with them. Even to our creator, gratitude is a must. One powerful way to show gratitude is through sincere words of thanks. It may be a simple thank you but it sure means a lot. Keep in mind, actions speak volumes about gratitude. Returning a favor or simply extending a hand is also a way to show gratitude in action.

I want us to always remember to show gratitude to other people and our creator, namely God. We also have to stop thinking about the things we don't have. It is better to be grateful for what we have and keep our hope in God. Gratitude is not only beneficial for the person we are grateful for, but also brings joy and satisfaction to the person who says it. Let's all continue to spread positivity and happiness, May God help us all.

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I focused too much on what I didn't have and this not only stole my joy but also kept me from seeing the need for gratitude. I was just thinking about my life today, I realized that I am not where I used to be, and even with a bad past, and disappointments I still managed to grow. As I said, if you are not grateful for the little you have, you may not know what good you have done for yourself.

When we focus too much on what we don't have, we will always be sad but when we are grateful, it makes us happy and easy to achieve more. The feeling of not doing enough or not being where we should be may come sometimes but we should always be grateful for the little progress we have made and the future still holds the best, so my talk today may be useful and can entertain friends. all friends, thank you greetings.


Thank you for this beautiful message about gratitude.
You're absolutely right: it's essential to remember to be grateful for what we have.
It helps keep a positive mindset and builds stronger relationships.
Your words are a great reminder for all of us.😊

I also enjoy sharing things that are useful for other people, because life sometimes requires motivation and words that make other people enthusiastic in living this hard life, thank you for your time, have a nice day, greetings @mikitaly, thanks 😊

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