Task 3.

in Italy4 days ago

AI photo of me

Here is the tool I used

Task 3

Did you develop an eye for what is real or generated by AI?

Of course the real picture is always different from Ai . During my commenting adventure in this community I saw some AI pictures .

What I expected is not what I saw , if I was not the one that edited this Picture I wouldn't believe it is me. The app gave me a different thing from myself that I know.

I didn't make further changes , I decided to use it like that.

This particular challenge was difficult, I was determined to take part. (Questa particolare sfida è stata difficile, ero determinato a prenderne parte)

I made use of all language translator.

Finally this is my entry post in this week's engagement challenge

Special mention

@wakepkitty, @inspiracion, @mikitaly


Hola @okere-blessing

  • Veo que completaste el desafio de la semana 2 con exitos.

  • Siento que eres una chica muy esforzada y honesta; obviamente es una imagen que salta a la vista y da el sentido de ser muy ficticia.

  • Me gusta que hayas logrado culminar este desafio que no es nada facil y puedes mejorar en el uso de los códigos para maquetar prolijamente tus post.

  • ¿Disfrutaste el desafío de esta semana?


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Verification date:September 19, 2024

I like your encouraging and appreciating way to comment. Probably you forget to upvote this post it means. If you like the post(upvote). It would be more efficient.


It wasn't an easy one. Thank you for straightening me with your kind words.