
Thanks for the info. It's still an incomplete solution, first because I have 4 users to mention in the main post (winners and honorable mentions); second, because I tag previous participants and they are too many. But no problem, we'll take it as it is :)

It is a problem and if it will be solved? Let's hope we can tag more than 3 soon again. If not it would be good to official announce only 3 accounts can be tagged. I agree it is extra work plus it does affect engagement on the platform

cc @the-gorilla

@davidesimoncini - I think that you can mention up to 10 people, any more than that and they won't receive a notification. The exception being if you have a low reputation - if your reputation is low (e.g. a new user), then their notifications aren't received either.

So most mentions will receive a notification. If I were to use say @davidesimoncini, @davidesimoncini, @davidesimoncini - that would count as 3 of your 10 mentions so when tagging somebody, try to avoid multiple mentions.

Thank you. Usually, I tag all the previous participants, so many users remain out. The only solution is to write two, three, or four comments under my post but... could someone consider it spam?

I hope the same. I understand however that if this is how things are working at the moment we can only be settled with what we have.

P.s.= Thanks again for the information