Certificatore energetico - Gli impianti

in Italy3 years ago



La potenza assorbita da un'elettropompa dipende da portata e prevalenza.

Rete di distribuzione
La rete di distribuzione comprende anche le tubazioni.

Salto termico caldaie tradizionali
Il salto termico negli impianti con caldaie tradizionali vale 8 -15 ° C

Salto termico negli impianti a pompe di calore
Il salto termico negli impianti a pompe di calore vale 5 – 8 ° C

dimensionamento tubazioni
Le tubazioni vengono dimensionate calcolando preliminarmente la portata d'acqua necessaria per fornire il calore all'ambiente con il salto termico fissato.

Diametro del tubo
Il dimensionamento del diametro del tubo si calcola in base alla velocità ammessa del fluido

Perdite di carico concentrate
Le perdite di carico concentrate rispetto a quelle totali valgono 40 -60%

Bilanciamento degli impianti
E' necessario bilanciare gli impianti. La valutazione delle perdite di carico e delle portate in gioco sono utili per il corretto bilanciamento.

Il metodo del criterio dei circuiti semplici
Il metodo del criterio dei circuiti semplici è l'ideale per edifici di 3-4 piani

Perdite di carico uguali
Per aver perdite di carico uguali in diversi rami dell'impianto con più derivazioni si usano Valvole auto-flow.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The power absorbed by an electric pump depends on the flow rate and head.

Distribution network
The distribution network includes piping.

Thermal jump in traditional boilers
The temperature difference in installations with conventional boilers is 8 -15 °C.

Heat gain in heat pump installations.
The temperature difference in heat pump systems is 5 - 8 °C.

Pipe dimensioning
The pipework is sized by first calculating the water flow rate required to supply heat to the room with the set temperature difference.

Pipe diameter
The pipe diameter is calculated on the basis of the permissible velocity of the fluid.

Concentrated pressure loss
Concentrated pressure losses in relation to the total losses are 40-60%.

Balancing of installations
It is necessary to balance the systems. The evaluation of the pressure losses and the flow rates involved are useful for correct balancing.

The simple circuit criterion method
The simple circuit method is ideal for 3-4 storey buildings.

Equal pressure losses
In order to have equal pressure losses in different branches of the system with several branches, auto-flow valves are used.



@stefano.massari You are using this platform to make people aware.
Please Keep writing such posts.

thanks for stopping by, this topic will deepen it more and more

Nice post.I like your post....

Thanks for stopping by

It is good to know that there are people who care about the environment, and that they improve the systems to be friendly with nature. It is time to act, the planet is asking for it.

you said really well, it is our planet that is asking us to start thinking like this

Your post give so much knowledge. Keep writing

thanks for stopping by and thanks for the support

Come stai amico mio, spero che tu sia sempre in buona salute👍🤲

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

Thanks @zulhendra, I'm fine. And how are you? If I remember correctly, you live in Turkey, what's the weather like there? It's autumn here and the days are getting shorter.

yes I am also fine, but I live in Indonesia, here there are only hot and rainy seasons, here it is now the rainy season

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

I understand, so the rainy season could be dangerous too? can there be heavy rains that can cause flooding?

Yes, usually here from months 9 to 12 it often rains and even floods can occur, as long as it starts from the month that ends with the word (ber) it will often rain, hehehe😁, such as: sepetem (ber), okto (ber), Novem (ber) and December (ber) it must be raining😄

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

I did not know this story of (ber), thanks for the explanation.

hehehe okey sir

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

Amazing information thanks for sharing

thanks for appreciating such technical posts

conoscenza molto utile per me, @steefano.massari...qui si usa solo una piccola elettropompa...?

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

actually not only small electric pumps are used, it depends on the size of the house, the size of the system and the energy savings the house can produce. In conclusion, there are many factors that determine the size of the electric pump

what factors determine the size of the electric pump..? if for example the house is 4 meters wide and 10 meters long @steefano.massari

It is not simplistic to give standard solutions for any system, nor must every house be considered the same as another house, the variables are different, sometimes undersized pipes and accessories involve choices of systems that lead to a considerable increase in water pressure in order to satisfy the utilities, or utilities with double or triple services involve the use of pumps with high flow rates. In any case, the various technical solutions must be well identified, he knows the house and the route of the pipes well. It is very difficult for me to answer you

thanks for the knowledge @steefano.massari, I think all houses are the same. apparently not.

That's pretty good to know. Thanks for sharing.

thanks to you for stopping by, we are increasingly in the age of energy saving.

Thanks for sharing this information.

sooner or later architecture will have to construct only energy-saving buildings

Thanks for sharing this information

thanks for supporting me, I want to be interested in this topic for a while longer