CREA UN'IMMAGINE: Paura sulle giostre / Fear on rides [IT/EN]

in Italy4 days ago

As a baby I liked the song "Fear in the Dark" I don't fear it and work at night. If you do not know what fear looks like you can ask and it shows you. Fear on Rides is fun so no reason to not get into a rollercoaster. I tried AI ti generate "Fear in Rides in the mountains and in the Highway even at night but all pictures shown are the same. Is fear overrated, nonexisting? I like rollerciasters but not those pictures.

I searched on: Fear on rides horseback - in the mountains.
The horseback has better result although the only fear brought can be a monster at the mountaintops. This picture is the best one. A monster having a man's back. That man doesn't look scared and the horse doesn't. Can be Fear is just a name, the monster his and they are best friends


A misleading picture with false information

Imagine this is how faces are scanned and data is used.


First picture search: Fear on rides horseback - in the mountains

Second picture search: Fear on rides at night in the mountains

Join this contest and generate a picture with the prompt: Paura sulle giostre (Fear on rides)
Join post in @italy it is not difficult. Mention the AI yiu used

@caringmanasseh @bedarg @rokhani



Your article is pretty good. I wish you good luck in this contest.

"A misleading picture with false information
Imagine this is how faces are scanned and data is used."

You are right, normally you have to generate many images so that you get to like one according to what you are looking for and you correct the Prompt.


tricking AI is needed as well. They only show what washes the brain. It's a special world. My brother says it's because americans feed it with info but I don't know if that's the reason.

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