Henocide Of Ukrainian People In Bucha And Irpin (Kyiv Region) By Russia

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)


The liberated from russian troops Kyiv region is covered with bodies. Ukrainian cilivian people shot dead, and males – even with their hands tied. Burnt, mutilated people. Mass graves, one of them for 280 persons even. Destroyed houses, roads, infrastructure. Every 15-20 meters of a road has at least one dead civilian on it.

There was no military need to do so. You should understand: this is the goal of the russian army, the henocide itself. It's just their essence, their way of waging war.

You do not need to be an expert in international law to understand that this violates all possible international conventions and protocols. Is there still one law of war left that russia has not broken?

Former International Criminal Court prosecutor Carla del Ponte called putin a war criminal and called for a warrant for his arrest.

All russian commanders are "cannibals". They must be found after the war and punished anywhere on the planet. As Israel did with nazi. Each. And putin must be executed, whether he recognizes the jurisdiction of the international court or not.

We will not forgive the russian bastards all our deaths. Each of us will not forgive. I do not forgive the deaths of our soldiers, my acquaintances, Ukrainian Heroes.

Moscow's crimes are not only against civilians. It is a crime against all humanistic, European or Western, and any other modern civilization, which is aware of the limits of good and evil. The civilization that the Armed Forces of Ukraine is defending today.

There is still a lot of struggle and a lot of losses ahead. But we'll keep on standing.

Mass graves of Irpin and Bucha, dozens and hundreds of civilians shot with their hands tied, women's bodies are without clothes

Sources say there are up to 5000 civilian victims in Kyiv region for now. But many just disappeared. In Bucha and Irpin. Irpin is seen from the windows of my flat in Kyiv region, by the way. Now I'll be thinking about russia's crimes every single day of my life.




This digression of russia from the Kyiv region should be very much filmed and translated, as much as possible. Because what happened there has not the slightest explanation. Even the destruction of Mariupol has a perverted, psychopathic, but logic. Breaking the corridor to the Crimea, access to administrative borders, unwillingness to bear losses during the fighting in the city...

But Kyiv region is explained by nothing but a completely inhuman mind. Everything that happened there had no military meaning.

A month of looting, murders, torture, and rape (even little underage girls were victims!) for locals. Shootings for fun. Starvation. Killing of domestic animals. Destruction of museums. Targeted hunting of teachers. Marauding even some cheap little things. The closest analogue of such henocide was may be in Rwanda.

And those russian killers didn't come from Kremlin only. They are from far russian villages. These non-humans did not come from Moscow, but from the countryside. They were not even some ideological militarists or putin's party members but ordinary 19–23 yo "Vanias". It was simply a manifestation of their vision of the world: to kill just because you can, just because you have weapons, to torture for fun. And that russian "vania" is even less a human than putin.

And "simple russians" know about Bucha & Irpin, they even googled it:
Postmen ad agency makes a research every day: to show the world what is most googled in russia

They know but they keep on pretending they don't. Because they don't care the human's life.

That's all I am able to write today.

All of the photos has become the property of Ukrainian people, authors insist we to publish them as much as we can. That's why I'm not closing the payments for this post. But all of the rewards I'll send for Ukraine's Defenders needs.







Friends, if you don't know enough about russia-Ukraine war started in 2014 and turned to its new phase 24.02.2022, please, watch this video below. My good acquaintances from Ukrainian trash metal band Sichgart produced this educational video specially for you, and it's in English ⬇️

 3 years ago (edited)

Tremendo. Sappiamo benissimo quello che sta succedendo. Crimini di guerra . Una violenza inaudita che tutto il mondo civile sta condannando. *La Russia dovrà rendere conto di queste atrocità * In questo modo si è espresso oggi il capo del nostro governo. Ma anche altre atrocità sono state documentate. Ecco un articolo apparso su Mariupol . Uno dei tanti.
*È così che a Kharkiv misurano la morte. Non più nel numero di vite perdute. «La risposta è molto cruda: perché i cadaveri non sono interi ma pezzi di carne umana», spiega Vitali Klitschko, sindaco di Kiev.

Per non dire di Mariupol «dove vivevano un milione di persone e che non esiste più – ha aggiunto l’ex pugile in collegamento con il Comune di Firenze –. Il suo sindaco mi ha detto che oltre l’80% degli edifici della città è stato distrutto. A Kharkiv 1.100 edifici sono stati demoliti dalle bombe, Chernihiv è rasa al suolo per metà. Di Irpin, Hostomel e Borodjanka non resta invece nulla».

La conferma arriva dal diario di guerra dei soccorritori. Neanche la Croce rossa internazionale riesce a entrare a Mariupol. Dietro alle rovine ci sono combattenti, in cima agli edifici i cecchini. Piovono missili e granate a qualunque ora del giorno. Almeno 100mila persone sono intrappolate. Non arriva cibo, non c’è acqua potabile, la temperatura si abbassa sotto lo zero di notte ma non c’è gas da riscaldamento e neanche elettricità. E accendere un fuoco, di notte, vuol dire diventare un bersaglio.

Secondo la procuratrice generale dell’Ucraina, Iryna Venediktova, «quello che sta accadendo a Mariupol non è più un crimine di guerra. La guerra ha delle regole, ma qui non ci sono regole. Penso che si possa parlare di genocidio quando l’intera città è tenuta in ostaggio, dove non c’è possibilità di andarsene. Dove vengono prese a fucilate colonne di sfollati che cercano di partire. Dove viene distrutto un ospedale per la maternità», ha detto Venediktova.*

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for resteem.
After unblocking Mariupol we will see new barbarities of russians, I'm afraid... Bucha massacre is not the last city when we say "henocide"... They are terrorists.

 3 years ago (edited)

Тільки одне хочу щоб скоріше все закінчилося. І щоб с тими кто вчинив з нашим народом. Було і в них. Як вони гвалтували дівчат, щоб їх матері жінки перенесли точно так же. Та потім зав'язати руки і застрелили як вони вчиняли з нашими. А потім зняти одежу і спалити к чертям собачім. Після кадрів і відео, таке бажання в мене виявилося.

@o1eh, а можете глянути, чого в Даші статус "Попередження за фішинг"?
Так, колись давно її акаунт був зламаний зловмисниками, але вже пів року все гаразд... Чи можна Даші змінити бейдж?

 3 years ago 

Тут статуси можуть змінювати лише модератори, але я знаю до кого звернутися.


Так, зверніться будь ласка. Теж помітила, що у Даші статус такий висвічується.

 3 years ago 

Схоже проблему вирішено. Перевірте будь ласка.


thank you for this precious testimony

I'll save them for future, for myself, too... If one day there will be a choice to deal with russians or not, I'll just remind to myself

These pictures remind me of Palestinians being butchered. This is such a horrific sight. We need world peace now more than ever. I pray that all of this ends soon. 😭

Sometimes this world is just a huge disappointment, friend... And for few minutes I didn't know if I want to live!

Жахливі фото...але це доказ...

Так, безперечно.. я все збережу і для персональної пам'яті

Seeing these pictures clearly shows the bitter face of war. This massacre must end now

It lasts in other cities now😭

 3 years ago 

I hope that peace will come soon, it is a pity that the earth is destroyed, humans become victims only for the sake of the political elite.

Read carefully: there was NO political or military aim in #BuchaMassacre. It's all because ordinary russian soldiers are psychopaths, rapists and killers.

Боже, який жах! Вкотре плачу, дивлячись такі світлини! Невже ці нелюди будуть спокійно спати і жити після того, що вони зробили з народом України?!

Вони знімали з трупів наших людей навіть одяг, і повезли його своїм сім'ям

Боже, яке кощунство!!!((( В мене аж тиск підскочив!

Забирали награбоване, а місця для своїх вбитих років у них не знайшлося... Нелюди.

There is no justification for such cruelty, thank you for this report of everything that happened..

 3 years ago (edited)

I'll talk about it until the end of my life...... No one can shut me up, none of russian bastards

 3 years ago 

I am so sorry this is happening to your country. Hopefully this senseless war will soon end.

Hopefully... But russians are really psychopathic nation, few day ago they published a plan how to destroy Ukrainians as a nation 😔

 3 years ago 

It is so senseless. What is happening in Ukraine will change the entire world order. Hopefully it will be for the better, but it will likely get a lot worse before it does. I am glad my country is doing what it can to help. We actually gave Ukraine all of our available military supplies. We are also taking as many Ukrainian refugees as possible. The weather here is like Siberia, but at least there is no fighting yet.

I am appreciate for your support 🙏
Canada is doing a lot, I hear all the time about it. But not only Canada itself as a state. I have some Ukrainian friends living in Ottawa, in Winnipeg, they call me all the time and send videos how the cities decorated with Ukrainian flags for showing they are standing with us 💔