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RE: [Ua / Eng] Bucha, Kyiv Region, Ukraine. Life In A Town After Massacre

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

thank you for your deep thoughts. we were a bit shocked that russians don't even try to capture the cities and save their infrastructure: all they need in Ukraine is murdering Ukrainians and destroying everything around. illogical behavior of psychopaths.
now we understood: they need to steal our history that's why destroying us. russia wants to rewrite the world's history saying that great Rus' was their state. but it wasn't.
I just wish they went back to their caves, sick bastards


I think everything there happens in accordance with orders from the top rulers in United Russia and Putin's circle even if they aren't directly or explicitly involved. The Putin's rhetoric during his appearances on state controlled TV in Russia before the full scale invasion, drumming up the hate towards NATO as one that has supposedly "conned" Moscow wasn't exactly a covert way of saying he and his cronies feel like their space had been invaded and they don't feel safe. I understand you feel that there might be some higher, more idealistic chauvinist reasons for Kremlin's barbaric policy in Ukraine, and United Russia may even want people to think that, but for bitter criminals on a power trip who'd been trained by Soviet KGB all the nationalist ideals and slogans are just tools to try and use people as weapons. That's how soulless they are. Those same Russians who are looking in Putin's mouth on the tv screen and swallowing all the bile and lies - they are nothing more than tools for him and his cronies. Imagine if some of those people actually realize that, but still support the Kremlin line because there is nothing else for them, they are in a hopeless situation... Would it be any surprise that they are so full of hate and anger at their hopeless situation that the opportunity to direct all that at people in Ukraine is what fuels all the senseless violence and destruction?
(Just don't get me wrong - this is not an attempt for justification for crimes, just some personal thoughts on the matter in general.)

sorry, but do you really believe they were afraid of NATO? it was just a simulation. same fairy tale as about liberating the russian speaking people in the East of Ukraine from imaginary "neo-nazis".
this war lasts 300 years, and 300 years russians try to destroy the identity of Ukrainians. everything else is just bla-bla-bla for the world which actually is helpless if to tell globally.
nation of maniacs they are.

Don't know about them being afraid, but I think it certainly is something the Kremlin mob wouldn't want a confrontation with. What I believe is that each year the likes of Putin and Lukashenko spend holding to their "president for life" chairs, the worse the situation gets regarding riots. I think the war in Ukraine is not about the culture and identity, but purely power and influence. Remember how it all started with Euromaidan? The old communist schooled rulers are stressed; they don't like transparency, fair elections, democracy; especially social democracy. All the more because they realize that, once they loose the power and there are no cronies to defend them, the authorities would come for them because of the crimes Navalny and others have exposed so scrupulously. This is why Putin and his regime is so desperate to wage the war in Ukraine - he has little left to loose, he is angry and he has always despised and hated liberal democracy and European project.

I am sure navalny wouldn't have normal and fair attitude to Ukraine, too. He actually told it (about Crimea, that it won't be returned).

Who knows what's in the head of that sick bastard putin, who knows...

Sometimes I go to pages of russian steemians – putin's fans – and just get more and more proves: they definitely have brain damage.

For what it's worth, I believe the current war in Ukraine will change things fundamentally. Navalny has indeed at different times been quoted saying things only a self absorbed Russian nationalist would believe and support, and it also no secret that Navalny had been making at least partially successful attempts to unite Russian right wing opposition and cater to their tastes. But when the war like one currently taking place in Ukraine will be lost by Russia, it will not be able to carry on in its current form as a Russian federation. When the Soviet Union fell, a good number of territories got, as a minimum, a formal independence from Moscow, and a similar sort of thing should happen after the current war. The Russian right wing understanding of what Russia is should change, and thus the likes of Navalny would have some different views as compared to what they might have been ten or more years ago.

 2 years ago (edited)

I like your point of view, especially in a part where russia falls apart) you didn't write it directly but I've caught that idea)))
But I actually dream Western countries' leaders to put their management in every country russian federation will become. Or even better: all those countries should have war with each other.
I just want a 5 metres in height wall between Ukraine and russia, and never hear about this pathetic state again🤦🏼‍♀️

I believe they are all into WEF and do as told. The US supported Ukrain, trained the soldiers, over 20 years of biolabs. Now the people, entire Europe has to pay the price.

The Ukrain president and his club bought very expensive villa's in Switserland. Over 50% of the weapons sent are sold.

The war will end in a few years if every useless person is dead, useless to the new world order.

If you just were here, under the shelling few days... This is not a game, people's life are not fucking players.
If you believe in biolabs, I have no reason to continue talking to you